What matters in a job for Europeans


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A recent study by Manpower showed that Belgians most inclined to work from home in Europe. 54% of the Belgians think that they would be more efficient working from home than in an office. 48% Spaniards, Italians and Brits agreed with the statement, while only 19% of Swedes, 28% of Germans and 29% of Turks did.

Salary and perks mattered most to the Greeks (65%) and Turks (56%) and least for the Italians (25%) and Austrians (28%).

The Danes and the Swedes regard the job flexibility and a balance between private and proferssional life as the most important (respectively 55% and 51% of them find it essential), while the Greeks (29%), Germans (30%) and Turks (32%) cared the least.

The Greeks (54%) come on top again when it comes to opportunities of career progess, followed by the Brits (44%), Norwegians (44%), Swedes (43%) and Spaniards (42%). The Swiss (25%) and Danes (26%) were the last.

The Turks are the keenest on leaving their country to find employment (56% of them would). They are followed by the Belgians (45%), probably because of the proximity of what "other countries" represents. The Finns (40%), Germans (38%) and Swedes (38%) come next. Those least happy to leave their mother land are the Austrians (only 25% would, despite the proximity of other countries) and Danes (26%).

Job security and pension

The Finns (65%), Danes (54%) and Spaniards (45%) find themselves well-off enough to retire when time comes. Only 17% of Italians and 18% of Norwegians agree with that.

Some of the biggest gaps between Europeans were seen for the extra-legal pensions offered by the company. Whereas 68% of Germans and 52% of Danes see it as important, only 15% of Finns and 26% of Spaniards do.

The Germans also topped the list for job stability, with 66% of the surveyed people citing it as one of the most important factors for a good job. They are followed by the Austrians (58%), the Italians (49%), the Swiss (48%) and the Norwegians (47%). Those caring least about job stability among surveyed nationalities are the Swedes (28%), then the Greeks (38%) and the Brits (39%).

70% of Spaniards, 54% of Italians and 52% of Brits are worried about being unemployed within the next 12 months, while at the opposite end only 27% of Belgians and 30% of Austrians are.

In the same lines, the Spaniards (37%) and Finns (29%) are the most worried about having their jobs delocalised to another country, compared to only 5% of Norwegians and 6% of Greeks.

Work and Kids

Yet the Spaniards (38%) and Greeks (26%) were also the most worried about the negative impact of children on their career, against only 16% of the Danes and Norwegians and 17% of the Brits.

It is no wonder then that the Spaniards (39%) also top the list of those who cannot afford to interrupt their career to have children, closely followed by the Italians (38%) and the Turks (32%). The Scandinavians were the most relaxed on this issue (11 or 12%).

Length of work

The length of the working week was perceived most strongly as important by Spaniards (69%), Turks (64%), Brits (62%) and Germans (61%), while the Greeks (39%), Belgians and Italians (both 40%) care least.

The British (73%) and the Spanish (72%) are the most inclined to work until an advanced age if they can work on a flexible manner. The Swedes were by far the least enthusiastic about the idea (only 38%), followed by the Austrians and the Greeks, both at 52%.

68% of Germans, 65% of Norwegians and 63% of Spaniards are ready to work more given a more flexible schedule. Again, the Swedes are by far the least enthusiastic about working longer (27%), followed by the Greeks and Danes (both 38%).

The Spaniards, Swiss and Finns are those who believe most that they work too hard, with respectively 41%, 33% and 31% of them ready to reduce their salary to work shorter hours. On the contrary, only 12% of Greeks and 18% of Italians and Germans would do it.

NB : Please note that Ireland, France, Luxembourg and Portugal and Eastern European countries are not in the survey.

Sources : Manpower.be (PDF in French)
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