For the first time I have the pleasure to show you my arse


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This is how could have translated the words of a French TV presenter, if the translator hadn't known the content of what was to follow. The TV presenter was in fact going to introduce the audience to a small village near Cahors (South-West France) called "Montcuq", pronounced exactly like "mon cul", or "my arse" in French.

I guess that the English equivalent would be "Maya's" (from the Spanish, Russian or Hindi female given name "Maya").

-"Is that your shoes ?"
- "No it's Maya's."

- "Can I kiss you on the cheek ?"
- "If you kiss Maya's first."
You tease, Mac! There was me thinking that your mate had finally emailed you those new year's eve photos... :blush:

Tis funny, though... Montcuq... :giggle: It's nice to find out about some of those funny/embarrassing placenames in other European countries too.
Better still, there is another French town called Condom, in the same region of Midi-Pyrénées. And to push the pun even further, the local river is called "Baïse", which without the diaeresis (baise) means "f*ck" in French.

Montculq and Condom are less than 100km apart from each other.

Other unfortunate names in the same region include :

- Baraqueville : "hovel town"
- Decazeville : no meaning, but sounds a bit like a slang mix of decadent and occaz (for occasion => "second-hand")
- Casteljaloux : "jealous castle"
- Castelmoron : "moron castle", only funny for English speakers

In another region, north of Avignon, there is a town called "Suze-la-Rousse", which sounds like "suck the red-haired (woman)" in French.

And what about these italian locality names:

Belsedere (province of Siena) = "nice ass"
Orgia (province of Siena again) = "orgy", of course
Ramazzano le Pulci (province of Perugia) = "they swipe the fleas away"
Po di Gnocca (province of Rovigo) = "a bit of pussy"
There's a village in Canada, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, called Dildo. Strange, but true. I've never been there, but I imagine the womenfolk tend to be a cheerful lot.
Just the thought of that city name puts stars in my eyes.....belsedere and dildo XD
I must say; the name of this thread is quite provocative

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