European and American thinking of others


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Gentlemen, as a Chinese or Asian,I want to know how much European and American think in common of other non-western countries like China?Do you have same thoughts?If different in some respect,what are they?In another word,would non-western world mean different to Europe and the USA?
I see China as a great and beautiful country with a fascinating historical heritage.

My view on chinese politics is another story.

China is one of the most interesting countries in the world with a wonderful culture. However, I have little positive to say about its political system or the manner in which it pursues commerce.
I think that the question of @Kgnju is about if there is a difference between the average USA citizens and average Europeans about their view of countries like China.

Well, I have been recently in many some US and European forums, and for me is difficult to find a significative difference.

I will reather say, that there are "groups" of people with similar points of view regarding countries like China.

For example, rightwingers and racists in the West, hate China, and cannot admit that Chinese are doing very good in many aspects... or when they do, they say that it is, after all, all due to the western FDI there. They cannot admit that a country with a Communist Party, have taken out of hundreds of millions of people out of poverty in record time... and if they are pressed to admit it, they say that, after all, China is really "Capitalist" and not "Communist"... disregarding the fact that the SOE still have produce a lot of the Chinese GDP.

We have other groups, that view China under a more positive light... including those, that view it in complete denial of the negative aspects that it may objectively have (as any country in the world, has).

But in general, I believe that the most interesting thing, is that the reverse case can also ve considered: I think that the average educated Chinese is capable of seeing the West much better and more objectively, than the average educated European.

Simply expressed: The East knows better the West, than the other way around.

(I hope this will not cause a heart attack on @Maciamo, that knows very very much of both Western and Asian culture... but then, he regretably is an exception)

Many times, the West only sees itself. You just have to compare any High School "History" book in countries like the USA, Spain or Germany, to see how much one-sided view of the World they have, and compare it with, say, a Japanese 歴史 book, much more balanced.

This by no means is trivial... I think this gives Asians a tremendous advantage.

What we call "Western Culture" is mainly based on Christianity, Greek and Roman culture, as well as to a tiny amount on other pre-christian European cultures. From the late 15th century on until the early 20th century Western Europe (inclusivly and even INITIALLY IBERIA!!!! :LOL:) rapidly started being the military and cultural dominant force in the world, technologically overtook the Muslim countries first, colonized the Americas and destroyed American civilizations, enslaved Africans, colonized India, large parts of East Asia, the Pacific and Australia. It invented most of recent technologies in engineering, chemistry and medicine, and was the first on the moon. Even after Western Europe and USA withdraw from their colonies, it remained the cultural and moral power in the world, with everyone copying Western life style, consuming their products, wearing their clothes, like suits etc... Politically it succeded over the Soviet Countries and Eastern Bloc. The UN-Charta is based on Western values. The economy of North America and EU combined is still with distance the strongest in the world. So are their armies, even if European armies lack the power they once had.

So it is only natural that the Western World feels superior over the rest of the world. A long time it was suggested that "Western Thinking", enlightenment or what so ever was the reason for Western superiority. Say: if you think like a Westener, progress and power will come on it's own.
human rights, freedom of speech, democracy, liberty, christianity (OR alternatively atheism), equality = military power, technological progress, affluence, wealth, peace on the long run etc... [even if the one or other contradicts itself]

Ironically, besides the many Western European politicians, media, development workers and philanthropists who hold up the "White Man's Burden" to teach it's values to bring progress to the world, not just a few people from outside the Western World also believed in this logic, and tried to copy Western life-style, tried and subsequently pretended to "think Western", in order to become successful in life. And not just a few failed with this tactic, partly because the ideas behind these values were not understood, partly because the causality between values and alleged progress was simply wrong. But neither people from the West and non-West tried to give up with this work and questioned this logic.

Now comes the part at which China enters the stage! Within a very short time and for the first time in centuries the Western World gets a serious opponent who is completely of non-European descent. An opponent on political, economical, technological and military bases. An opponent who is obviously not interested in Western values, who doesn't need them AND it very successful without them. Even though Western countries were taught that this can't be possible... And not only that: With the proof that success is not necessary with Western values anymore, also other non-Western countries of the world are starting to turn their heads away from EU and North America, heading to China. A country that doesn't bases it's business on conditions like human rights, democracy, freedom of press etc..., which even makes life in many points much easier. Subsequently, also the relation between the West and other non-Western countries than China will presumably change.

Now, that the Western World and it's values are questioned, in the following years USA and Europe have to re-think about their position in the world, but are currently still a little perplexed how to deal with this problem.

I don't think that Americans and Europeans see China any differently from each other. We consider Chinese in their culture as very different from ours, don't know yet how to manage and cope with the potential chances and dangers, and treat them with caution and respect.
An opponent who is obviously not interested in Western values, who doesn't need them AND it very successful without them.

Not so sure about this bit, I'd put forward that China very much needs the West and is very successful because of them.

It was the West outsourcing its manufacturing industries into places like China and India that gave these countries the impetus they needed. And for China to be successful (and remain so) it also needed and needs markets for its products and currently it is the West who is the largest consumer of its goods.

There is a trade imbalance though, what does the West have that China needs in return? Does history repeat itself and will we see a modern version of the Opium Wars?
I see China as a great and beautiful country with a fascinating historical heritage.

My view on chinese politics is another story.

Thank you for your answers!Well, I agree with your opinion about Chinese culture.But today's China create little on our historic foundation.What you enjoy is most from ancient China.And I have less to say about political topic.:embarassed:
There is a trade imbalance though, what does the West have that China needs in return? Does history repeat itself and will we see a modern version of the Opium Wars?
Well,do you think that someday in the future EU would unite US to launch a war against China?

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