An urgent question of my dna!!!!!


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I can't good speak english:ashamed2:. I had make 7 weeks ago a genethic test(dna). I received yesterday result of my DNA . I write in this forum about my DNA in French(Original). It is so :
Marquage : Bandes RHG
Résolution : moyenne (250-350 bandes)
Is it mtDNA or Y-dna ??? Based on these results, Would you say that's what the ethnic roots???
your Sincerely.
See you soon.
I don't understand a word. Wich company did you use? What kind of test (full ancestry or just Y-DNA and mtDNA)?

If you only analized your subclades (Y-DNA and mtDNA), that's not representative of the full ancestry. It's just information of your first ancestors from each paternal and maternal line, going back thousands of years ago.

If you want to know wich ethnic group is closer to you, you must get a complete geneome testing and submit the sample to the genetic projects (primarly Dodecad and Eurogenes). That's all.

I did test of my DNA, for ill: result is good (I'm not ill). But when I read on page "Bandes RHG" ; I thinked it's my DNA-code.
For exemple : R, H, G .
I don't understand a word. Wich company did you use? What kind of test (full ancestry or just Y-DNA and mtDNA)? I don't understand too! (full ancestry or just Y-DNA and mtDNA) for know ethnic origin of my DNA and perhaps my Complety/Full Genethic Atlas(?), must I do "full ancestry or just Y-DNA and mtDNA" ???

[If you want to know wich ethnic group is closer to you, you must get a complete geneome testing and submit the sample to the genetic projects (primarly Dodecad and Eurogenes). That's all.] I don't understand this phrase, sorry??!
I don't think they tested either Y-DNA or mtDNA.
ARiKan, sorry but it's impossible to comunicate with for a person who can write in English what you want to say.

The only thing I understood is that it seems you know something about your health. LOL

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