Classical music Medieval Music!

Possibly the best known feature of Medieval music is polyphony, and as Leonin (1150-1201) was the first polyphonic composer whose name is known, it makes sense to begin with some of his music:
But before any more Christian tunes, it may be good to remember Medieval Europe's pagan eras, especially in Scandinavia. Though of course none of the music of this period was written down, Sequentia makes a recreation of how the Eddas may have been sung in their album "Edda: Myths from Medieval Iceland":
In the Early Middle Ages, the bread and butter of (written) music was the plainchant. Of these, the most famous is of course the Gregorian Chant. However, there are other less well known forms of plainchant, such as the Old Roman chant:
the Ambrosian chant:
and the Mozarabic chant (sung in Muslim Spain):
I wasn't aware that there is such richness of medieval chants being recreated now days. I thought that what was left were Gregorian chants.
Interesting is commonality in lack of rhythmic instruments throughout Europe in church music of middle ages.
In what era the castrati started singing? I really like their angelic voices. :)
Georgian medieval sacral polyphony

And a little background info about Georgian folk music which has its roots in ancient pagan past and many similarities with Corsican and Sardegnan polyphonic singing [video=youtube;kQ7iKtpO_Jw][/video]

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