Wacky news Switzerland attacking the Alhambra.


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A Swiss tourist spends the night in jail for scratching a plasterwork from the Alhambra

Fingernails scratched his initials on a wall of the Palace of Comarex

The guards alerted police because they did not respond to his warnings

The woman was released with charges after testifying before the judge

A Swiss woman was arrested in Granada to make an entry with your initials and a heart in the front hall of the Alhambra Comarex.

For the tourist who spent the night in jail after testifying before the judge has been released with a possible criminal charges against the historical heritage, is the second in a few months beyond the recent trial of a fault Jordanian military arrested for similar crimes.

The incident occurred around 17:30 am on Jan. 7, when the tourist was surprised by the information control staff fingernails scratching initials. Although the security guards of the monument held their attention on occasions, she ignored them, so they told the National Police, who brought a patrol to the area and stopped by the commission of a crime against heritage.

The woman refused to testify and once the crowded, about eleven o'clock at night, was entered in the cells and spent the night there. The next day became available to the Court of Instruction No. 8 of Granada, where he made a statement and was released with charges pending the investigation and received the report of the Alhambra to determine, depending on the amount of damages if it is a crime or a misdemeanor. From the Board of the Alhambra have moved their intention to submit a letter Tuesday to the Swiss Embassy to inform you of these facts.

This case reminds the officer of the Royal Jordanian Air Force, Mohammed Jaradat, who was arrested by scratching his name on a wall of the Palace of Carlos V, Alhambra, finally condemned to pay 320 euros for a lack of damage to property. The amount was slightly higher than the 300 euros that left bail after his arrest last August, although the prosecutor demanded the maximum sentence possible, 500.

In case the application of Article 625 of the Penal Code, which considers the damage lack of Cultural Interest (BIC) as the Alhambra, if not more than 400 euros. The Board of Trustees of the memorial stones in the middle, barely scraping the inscription, and the judge has decided to impose a fine of 20 days to 6 euros, ie 120. The two figures add up to 320 euros by the end of which is deducted from the deposit of 300 and arrested the day that passed, so the amount to be paid less than 20 €.

I am surprised that there aren't more people arrested for carving their initials in historical buildings. I have seen many famous places disfigured by hundreds, and in some cases thousands, of such acts of vandalism.
I am surprised that there aren't more people arrested for carving their initials in historical buildings. I have seen many famous places disfigured by hundreds, and in some cases thousands, of such acts of vandalism.

It seems very cheap out undermining the historical heritage.

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