What do you think about?


Reaction score
Ethnic group
Native Arabian
Y-DNA haplogroup
J1c3d (147.1)

By: Ms. Cris Ericson

I hope the U.S.A. will stop supplying Israel with weapons and missles to kill
their own blood related Jewish people in other countries. In ancient Bible history
the Jews went to Mesopotamia and Babylon which is now Iraq and the Jews went to Persia which is now Iran and the Jews went to Tyre which is now a city on the coast of Lebanon. The people of Israel should give equal opportunity under the law and equal treatment under the law to the people of Iran and Iraq and Lebanon because they are blood related family and this is proven by DNA testing. I have a right to speak up on this subject because my DNA test shows the J haplogroup with the J1 subclade which researchers call the Cohanim gene or Cohen gene.

You can see my DNA test results online at http://www.nationalgeographic.com/genographic and type in my test kit# FW67ML5Y4D

I never expected to have this DNA, this J haplogroup with J1 subclade that researchers
call the “Jewish” gene. There have never been any Jews in my family. It is possible that during the Christian Crusades they may have been threatened with death if they did not convert to Christianity. It is possible that my mother’s mother’s mother’s mother came from a family born before the Jewish religion was created. I am a woman, so my DNA test result is for my mother’s mother’s mother’s mother all the way back to before or during the Bible times.

Even though there are no Jews in my family, I have a right to speak up on this subject because this is my blood and my brother tested the same for his Y chromosome, J1. So, obviously not all people with the so-called “Cohamin gene” are Jewish. But, blood is blood, and this is my blood, so I have a right because this is my blood to stand up and to say that I don’t want the U.S.A. to give Israel weapons and missles to kill people of my blood in other countries. You all need to calm down and learn to be peaceful. Isn’t it about time?


Regardless of politics or something else ..

Where can we find like this bright minds???


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