Roman Emperor Y DNA

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King Niall

As a Niall descendant. I realized that other ethnic groups might have a King Founder who is the father of high percentage of males. When I originally heard that Hitler was E1b1 M35. I knew that Hitler was very convinced he was a king. I believed it too but not a nice one as he had envisioned for himself and I knew he must have descended from someone important in history. Originally I though some bad Pharoah who converted to judasim or something of the sort. I believed he most likely was Jewish but I could not get a handle on it since I was unfamiliar with Jewish history.
I was almost amazed that Hitler's exact subclade matched Einstein the Pope Michaelangelo and the Wright Brothers. I also could not see Einstein slaving bricks for the Pharoah he was too smart something was up. Einstein had the same e1b1 m35 as the Pope. This king must have been super smart but who was he?

I was unaware of Rabbi Meir in the Talmud claimed descent from Nero. Some of his descendants go by the name Firestein Mayer - etc etc. If that was not a give away. That means modern Jews are for the most part Romans not Khazars or this other nonsense. Descendants of this Roman King. It explains the high intelligence amongst most modern Jews from this super smart king founder. It explains why Hitler turned against his own people Emperor Germanicus. The obsession with fire everything --wow. I found many lesser facts that support this conclusion. Thats why Jews are coming out genetically similar to Italians in DNA tests.

Nero faked his death he never died. The illuminati would be the illuminators like rabbi Meir so this would be the subclade most likely of the illuminati and rothchilds one of the popes einstein and hitler naploeon michaelangelo raphael -----maybe ? Mark Zuckerberg Bono??

Not all the descendants of Nero were evil so it could be confusing but the dna gives them away.
Nero faked his death he never died. The illuminati would be the illuminators like rabbi Meir so this would be the subclade most likely of the illuminati and rothchilds one of the popes einstein and hitler naploeon michaelangelo raphael -----maybe ? Mark Zuckerberg Bono??

Not all the descendants of Nero were evil so it could be confusing but the dna gives them away.

Stop writing this nonsense. And consider yourself officially warned from the moderators.
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