Phylogenetic tree of Haplogroup R1a


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Here is a schematic tree of R1a subclades to help you visualise the (pre-)historical expansion and modern geographic distribution.

hello, r1a1a1b2 (Z93) is the Aryan branch, r1a1a1b2a1 (L657) are the Aryan invaders to India, right?
according to Wikipedia r1a1 is well represented in India/South Asia

but how many are r1a1a1b2a1 (L657 - Aryan) and how many are from earlier (stone age) invasions?
where can I find such info?
when were these earlier (stone age) invasions?
R was born in Central Asia and roamed up the mountains to capture goats when the ice began to melt.The Pamir mountains is where R1a lived. There was no invasion. NOPQR began to split. N headed north and west, O east through the Pamirs to Tibet and down to Southeast Asia then China. P also head north and is rare now. Its decendants are Q and R. Q, C and R1 headed to North America.
R1 headed to North America? Are you talking about very recently or 15,000-25,000 years ago?
the first invasion into India was R2
but later there must have been invasions by R1a as well, there is plenty of R1a in the northern half of India now
we don't know , before the ice sheets grew together , more than 25000 years ago, or just after they started melting, 15000 years ago
There were periods of progressing and receding snow/ice and also the seasonal changes. It is not a fixed "ice line". Even during the Ice Age the snow and ice moved back and forth.
R1 headed to North America? Are you talking about very recently or 15,000-25,000 years ago?

Yes Ice Age.

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