Y-DNA Results and gentic distance.


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South Eastern Mediterranean
Y-DNA haplogroup
mtDNA haplogroup
I was wondering how close do the results have to be to determine a close match.

we are all tested positive E1b1b1 E-M35 E-M78- E-V13. Our results are below.

Most Distant Ancestor of Country of Origin are different.

13 25 13 10 16-21 11 12 12 13 11 31 15 9-9 11 11 25 14 20 Albania-
13 24 13 10 16-18 11 12 12 13 11 30 16 9-9 11 11 25 14 20 Greece-
13 24 13 10 16-18 11 12 12 13 11 29 17 9-9 11 11 25 14 20

32 14-17-17-18 9 11 19-21 17 13 17 20 30-35 11 10
30 14-16-17-17 9 11 19-21 17 12 17 20 30-33 11 10
31 14-16-17-17 9 11 19-21 18 12 16 19 30-35 11 10

Would we be related more closely than we would think.? Its interesting that we are from different countries but the numbers are very close.
Being E1b1b, you represent about 10-15% of italian male lineages. It seems that you are E-M78, a subclade of E3b that originated somewhere between southern Egypt/northern Sudan and that spread from there to the Horn of Africa in the east, the rest of Egypt and Libya. It is the Libyo-egyptoid branch of E3b, the other main Branch being E-M81, which dominates Berbers/Moroccans/Algerians/Tunisians. I like to say the east north-African Clade (E-M78) and the west North African Clade (E-M81) you are clearly in the Libyo-egyptoid branch. But that's not how your Sub sub Clade got to you. You are also E-V13+, which means your ancestors left probably by Egypt, hugged the Levantine coast making their way up to Anatolia, and eventually crossed their way to the southern Balkans. (Note that they may also have come by boat directly from Egypt as a branch of the pelasgians or sea people's). Near northern Greece, Albania Serbia, the E-V13 mutation was born, and the greek colonization of "Magna Grecia" (greater Greece) in southern Italy is what brought scores of E-V13 to southern Italy. One or several of the greek tribes that colonized southern Italy, had E-V13 men among them. Your ancestors where Greeks, and Egyptians or Libyans before them. Both the E-M78+ and E-V13+ markers are what define your journey to where you ended up in the past hundreds/thousands of years and how they got there.
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