People with cheek dimples common ancestor?


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I've heard that cheek dimples are a genetic mutation passed down like blue eyes but was unsure if this was true or not??
almost every physical trait is inherited by genetic transmission, even if post birth life (and even foetus life) can modify them more or less, so... the littler detail of your face is genetically inherited. for dimples, they are common in everyone, but more or less marked: the skin thickness and suppleness plays here, I think
I've heard that cheek dimples are a genetic mutation passed down like blue eyes but was unsure if this was true or not??
Since I have cheek dimples, your question aroused my curiosity. I found this (rather old) stuff online:
From what I've read, it seems that there are separate cheek and chin dimple genes. One site even placed them on certain chromosomes -- cheek dimples on chromosome 5 and cleft chin on chromosome 16! I couldn't find any corroborating evidence for this anywhere, though.
You are right in that it is easy to see how two Dd parents could have a ddchild; each parent needs to contribute a d gene. The d form of the gene is probably recessive because of a mutation. Often in these dominant-recessive gene pairs, the recessive copy of the gene is mutated so it doesn't work anymore which is why the dominant version wins out.


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