UKIP on the rise


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Britain, yet another country where the far right is on the rise. According to ComRes almost 20% of the population are about to vote this party. This will, probably, be a good bump --- if we can call it this way --- in Europe's heart after the incidents that took place in France, and most probably some other Western European countries. The main question is quo vadis Europe? Are we about to be the witnesses of a new era in the Old Continent?
I think that votes for far right parties are often protest votes. People don't necessarily embrace racism or other aspects of the far right, but they often resent high rates of immigration from third world countries that are engineered for the purpose of lowering working class wages. And people often resent those immigrants that don't want to assimilate because they want to keep the culture and religious extremism of the country they came from. So many of the people who vote for parties of the far right are probably doing it solely in the hopes of panicking mainstream politicians into changing immigration laws. Although I can't see that working, because most mainstream politicians are bought and paid for by the rich, who generally want high rates of immigration.
I think that votes for far right parties are often protest votes. People don't necessarily embrace racism or other aspects of the far right, but they often resent high rates of immigration from third world countries that are engineered for the purpose of lowering working class wages. And people often resent those immigrants that don't want to assimilate because they want to keep the culture and religious extremism of the country they came from. So many of the people who vote for parties of the far right are probably doing it solely in the hopes of panicking mainstream politicians into changing immigration laws. Although I can't see that working, because most mainstream politicians are bought and paid for by the rich, who generally want high rates of immigration.

The problem is that we have a liberal-leftist elite who like labelling anything moderately right wing as far right, and perpetually associate it with fascism, and scaremonger quite a lot.

Most of the ordinary people in this country, (more the older generations, but some of the younger generation) naturally hold traditional values to some extent, that can be called conservatives. A lot of the traditionally socialist among the working class feel they aren't really represented well by the Labour party as well, so they either don't vote or vote for alternatives. Some of the votes for UKIP are protest votes, i've spoken to people who see them as one way of breaking the perpetual passing of the stick between Labour and Conservative (and Lib Dems now) because they are fed up with all of them. I mean most of the Labour supporters i've met are middle class champaign socialists, i'm probably more working class than they are but wouldn't vote labour. On the other hand, many votes are because people with traditional values and a generally right wing outlook see an opportunity - A relatively popular party that's not genuinely bordering on extreme like the BNP or NF, but it's not an indecisively centrist new Conservative party either. One of the reasons UKIP's voter base are much older than most (or all?) other parties is because UKIP's stance on things are the stance that most of those people were used to, traditional but not backwards, capitalistic (i'm personally not a fan of excessive globalism, and i'm apprehensive about fracking). My generation has grown up in a generally liberal-socialist environment that's been growing in the last 40 years or so.

Also what i found concerning is the amount of cultural, political and social propaganda there is flying around. People might like to think they are free, but the media and big business makes them into who they are for the most part. We're all slaves, and our masters don't want us to try and free ourselves.

Personally my problem is that i feel most politicians in our country (and most likely abroad too) care too little about their people and forget that they are in our employ. So they feel free to tempt people in with offers that they too often don't keep. I'd much prefer a Swiss-style direct democracy over a parliamentary democracy, or we might as well not bother, and have kingship with divine right and absolute power (i jest).

Well immigration is a good example of an issue that shows best the discord between most of the populace and our cultural elite.
So I guess your opinion is that the liberal-socialist Thatcherites brought globalization and fracking to Britain, eh, Jackson? Get a clue. "New Labour" was never liberal or socialist, and certainly the Conservatives aren't and never have been. When the Conservatives allow some trans-global corporation to cut down Epping Forest, I suppose you'll see that as a liberal-socialist attack on conservative values.

David Cameron is Margaret Thatcher's love child.

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