What does preferring your coffee black say about you?


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Nothing good, according to a study published by some Austrian scientists. Actually, in my opinion it's an example of bad science and a limited exposure to other cultures as well.

In inimitable Huffington Post fashion-preferring your coffee black means you have psycopathic tendencies: :grin:

The actual study:
[h=1]Individual differences in bitter taste preferences are associated with antisocial personality traits[/h]http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0195666315300428

"In two studies, we investigated how bitter taste preferences might be associated with antisocial personality traits. Two US American community samples (total N = 953; mean age = 35.65 years; 48% females) self-reported their taste preferences using two complementary preference measures and answered a number of personality questionnaires assessing Machiavellianism, psychopathy, narcissism, everyday sadism, trait aggression, and the Big Five factors of personality. The results of both studies confirmed the hypothesis that bitter taste preferences are positively associated with malevolent personality traits, with the most robust relation to everyday sadism and psychopathy. Regression analyses confirmed that this association holds when controlling for sweet, sour, and salty taste preferences and that bitter taste preferences are the overall strongest predictor compared to the other taste preferences. The data thereby provide novel insights into the relationship between personality and the ubiquitous behaviors of eating and drinking by consistently demonstrating a robust relation between increased enjoyment of bitter foods and heightened sadistic proclivities."

Perhaps they were unaware that all of southern Europe (including France) and the Near East routinely drink black coffee? Or were they? :)

It never seemed to occur to them that there's an extensive body of research about the snps involved, of which even non-scientists are aware, that show geographical clustering for some of these snps, and that perhaps they needed a broader reference population?

I have some free advice for them: do some research on the levels of sadism and psychopathy (and indeed most mental health disorders) by country. You might find the results enlightening.

In the interests of full disclosure, I prefer a foamy cappuccino, but too much milk doesn't agree with me, and when my energy flags in the afternoons a well sugared espresso does the trick. So, beware of ****ing me off! :LOL:
I'm blessed with good character and preference for light coffee, even cafe late if there is a chance. Other than that it is typical skewed science based on some correlation and scientists without good common sense.
From my observation it is much better correlation of heavy metal, rap and punk music with emotional instability. This might also correlate nicely with amount of tattoos.
I though people who preferred black coffee its because they have a higher degree of lactose intolerance and not keen on having Milk. I know a number of people who detest Milk outright generally speaking :)
I though people who preferred black coffee its because they have a higher degree of lactose intolerance and not keen on having Milk. I know a number of people who detest Milk outright generally speaking :)

I've always found drinking it rather unpleasant, but I think some of that may be cultural conditioning. While my father's people sometimes drank milk (but then there were more cows than people where his family originated :grin:) no one drank milk in my mother's part of the world. In both places they say "pan e vin fan un bel fantin". Do you understand it? It's dialect. Bread and wine make a beautiful child...or I guess make a child grow. :LOL: So, no serving of glasses of milk with dinner. No butter, either. To this day I have to be reminded to put it on the table for guests.

Still, I do find black coffee somewhat bitter, whether it's espresso or "American" coffee, and I love a cappuccino in the morning. Our traditional breakfast was also often a very, very milky coffee (sort of like a Starbuck's light latte), sugared, into which Italian bread could be soaked. That was it for milk and coffee combos, however. To order a cappuccino after 11 was absolutely verboten. So, for a pick me up, it was espresso, and I "learned" to like it. Plus, as I said, in later life too much dairy upset my stomach.

In terms of the study, I think it's junk science. I'm glad they're Austrian scientists. The thought that my tax dollars might have gone to a study like this would have been really annoying.
I agree, this is junk science. Personally, I like my coffee with cream. Drinking it black is harder on my stomach.
I agree that this is junk science. Personally, I like my coffee with cream. Drinking it black is harder on my stomach.
I was used to drinking tea with milk. But when I went to the USA I began drinking black coffee like the USians. As a child I used to think that the residue of the tea lined my stomach and stained it so I was thinking of quitting it. But I decided to quit coffee as the withdrawal symptoms include a headache if I forgot to drink my morning coffee. I noticed with tea the withdrawal headache was a lot less painful. So now I mostly drink tea with milk like a Brit. Actually I have British passport so politically I am a Brit. I am Canadian now as I also have a Canadian passport. I could apply as an Indian as I was born there but it is too hot and I wouldn't want go back there. Anyway fifty years is a long time and the streets where I walked along would be changed for sure.
I don't mind black coffee or cream. Despite being accused of fringe theorizing and even I think this study is inaccurate.
Latte and Turkish Coffee, no other options. One of them light, one of them dark.
Latte and Turkish Coffee, no other options. One of them light, one of them dark.



almost boiled upon hot sand, ashes and coals,
with a cinnamon or almond cookie
or with a homemade bitter sweat, like bergamont, nut,


coffee was brought from SE Asia by Islamic Drouze,
they boiled it till become a black potion, and serve them at funerals, bitter
that kind went to W Europe,
but Greeks and Turks followed the Beduin method, to drink coffe warmed for long time, and not boiled at sand/ashes every morning
at a colour of hell/blonde, always at white porcelain cup upon a small dish

we call it Greek coffee :grin: every morning from 8:30 till 11:30
and afternoon at 4:30 till 6:00

carefull the remain at the bottom is not drinkable :LOL:

coffee and cognac/brandy, for men
coffee and lukumi for ladies

the colour of coffee

sunken in the warm sand

When they say "drink or like their coffee black" they are not really stating what they mean because on further investigation they talk about people who have "a preference for bitter tastes". Most black coffee drinkers that I have known, myself included, drink coffee with sugar in it so the bitter taste is gone.

I drink black coffee with sugar but some times I have it also have coffee with cream. I canister of ready spray on whipped cream usually doesn't see the third cup. I sometimes use it all up with one cup of coffee! Cream is fat and fat is good for you.

I like Turkish coffee best. Once some of my friends who came to stay at my house when I was on holidays said they were desperate for a cup of coffee and looked through my cupboards but could only find the Turkish coffee so they had a cup of that. They described it as "rocket fuel" and said they went out urgently and bought their own.
When they say "drink or like their coffee black" they are not really stating what they mean because on further investigation they talk about people who have "a preference for bitter tastes". Most black coffee drinkers that I have known, myself included, drink coffee with sugar in it so the bitter taste is gone.

I drink black coffee with sugar but some times I have it also have coffee with cream. I canister of ready spray on whipped cream usually doesn't see the third cup. I sometimes use it all up with one cup of coffee! Cream is fat and fat is good for you.

I like Turkish coffee best. Once some of my friends who came to stay at my house when I was on holidays said they were desperate for a cup of coffee and looked through my cupboards but could only find the Turkish coffee so they had a cup of that. They described it as "rocket fuel" and said they went out urgently and bought their own.

HAHA rocket fuel, it must be true. I am not a coffee person, just one in a week. I can't drink two cups in a short time.

I think the best combination is Turkish Coffee with no suger and some small sweet snacks. My choice is Greek cookies which include gum :grin:
HAHA rocket fuel, it must be true. I am not a coffee person, just one in a week. I can't drink two cups in a short time.

I think the best combination is Turkish Coffee with no suger and some small sweet snacks. My choice is Greek cookies which include gum :grin:

One a week! I have about 10-12 cups every 24 hours.

BTW your avatar symbol is unusual. I haven't seen it before does it have some special meaning?
One a week! I have about 10-12 cups every 24 hours.

I know, I am with worst Turk about drink coffee :LOL:

BTW your avatar symbol is unusual. I haven't seen it before does it have some special meaning?

Modern version of Selquk Eagle, or Hittite or Roman (y) Using the different cultures on the same lands, makes the symbol more special.
I know, I am with worst Turk about drink coffee :LOL: Modern version of Selquk Eagle, or Hittite or Roman (y) Using the different cultures on the same lands, makes the symbol more special.
I did a search of the eagle under the names you have given me and I can see what you mean there is a lot of history and meaning. And probably some Greek too from ancient times. BTW I should have mentioned, I think the best sweet with coffee is Turkish delight. When I lived in Sydney there was a big Middle Eastern community and I used to go there often to have coffee and eat their delicious sweets. Some are like Greek sweets. I also got to join a sufi group through meeting some Iranians there.

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