Both liberals and conservatives are intolerant of opposing viewpoints

It is based on perception of people about the others. For example, many conservatives believe that the whole modern world is wroten and intolerant in its nature and gunged up against them. They feel in danger. It is just their perception and not the reality per se.
The graph makes sense. It's a reflection of human nature. We can believe in an ideology that honors tolerance but that won't stop us from intolerating people who believe in different ideaologies. Pride is another reason we hate people from different groups, whether or not group differences are defined by ideology. It's one of the main reason we hate each other and fight each other and I think this reason is too often ignored by historians(my school history books always use always says it is for practical reasons; fighting for resources).

It is based on perception of people about the others. For example, many conservatives believe that the whole modern world is wroten and intolerant in its nature and gunged up against them. They feel in danger. It is just their perception and not the reality per se.

It isn't just their perception. It's an overreaction based on truth. I agree there's truth to what much of what SJWs say about systematic racism and sexism, why can't you see the establishment in the western world is if anything usually liberal? Statistics prove the professors at our colleges, national media, and popular culture are disproportionately liberal. National media and popular culture is the outside world for us, they're who we see outside of our homes.
what a joke. Leftists, Muslims, and other Fascists, are most stupid and intolerant.
Thanks for this prime example of ultra conservative hatred of the others.

Someone smart said before, that liberals are only intolerant to intolerant people.
We may disagree, but I think that the study claims that the intolerance is roughly equal on both sides. Atheists are as intolerant as Christian fundamentalists, Democrats as Republicans, environmentalists as business people, the young as the elderly, feminists as anti-abortionists. Blacks actually come out slightly more intolerant than whites, but not by much. By a small margin, liberals are the most intolerant of all.

That certainly correlates with my own personal experience.
We may disagree, but I think that the study claims that the intolerance is roughly equal on both sides. Atheists are as intolerant as Christian fundamentalists, Democrats as Republicans, environmentalists as business people, the young as the elderly, feminists as anti-abortionists. Blacks actually come out slightly more intolerant than whites, but not by much. By a small margin, liberals are the most intolerant of all.

That certainly correlates with my own personal experience.
We can't say the same judging by Eupedia posters, can we?

One caveat though. You can't call liberals people like Yetos, just because they are politically communists or socialists. He is pretty much anti-everything. He is natural conservative, a person only likes the world he grew up in and ultra nationalistic In this case a socialistically oriented Greece surrounded with all the "enemies". Conservative, stands for preserving the past, mostly meaning the world people grew up in.

Some of communist ideals are on liberal side, but the same can't be said of most example of communist people and parties. Just look at communist parties of soviet block and their tyranny of one. Not much to do with liberalism.
Oh, indeed, this isn't the case in the internet population genetics world.

I don't think they really fit neatly into some of the clusters in the study, but most of them are indeed highly intolerant. I actually think the Eupedia subset is better than that.

The prevailing mind set, in my opinion, is either racism or a nationalism so extreme that it masquerades as it.

"Conservatives" in the sense it's used in the study is probably "conservative" in an American political sense: i.e. small government, Constitutionalist, fiscally responsible, traditional in morals, rather nationaist etc. Liberal in the study is probably left leaning, big government, big spending, socialistic, internationalist, "progressive" in life style choices, etc. It doesn't mean "classical liberalism", which is probably how I'd describe myself, or "moderate".

Those definitions don't really apply to Europe, in my opinion. Virtually everyone on the continent is a socialist in favor of big government and bid spending in my opinion. The fractures exist on degrees of "nationalism" vs internationalism, racism, and "life-style", although less so as to the latter. The only exception is Britain to some extent, in my opinion.

That's why you can get an ultra-nationalist, Nordicist or racist, yet "socialistic", or even avowedly Communist person in Europe. You don't get this combination of attitudes in the U.S. A racist isn't going to be a socialist. You can easily be a conservative without being a racist or a Nordicist or an interventionist.

It's just my experience that the number of people who can acknowledge the good will and even reasonableness of the point of view of a person from the opposite end of the political spectrum is not large.

I'd also say that "new" ideologies or ideas are not always a good thing. Fascism and Nazism were "new" ideologies compared to democratic representative government. People who value the past were probably less susceptible to their siren call. The family is the most traditional, "conservative" institution we have; we mess with it at our peril, in my opinion. It's taken us thousands of years to learn what "works"; it's hubris, in my opinion, to think we know the consequences of some of the changes we propose. I could go back over the last twenty-five years of government decisions, new ideas proposed to have wonderful results, and the law of unintended consequences torpedoed most of them.

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