Maternal Calabrian and USA/Paternal Belorus Jewish genealogy DNA tests recommendation


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I am researching my family tree. My great grandmother had two daughters, one that stayed in Calabria and one that came to NY. They both had families with daughters. Right now I have female relatives in each line that are granddaughters of the family matriarch that are willing to take a DNA test for me to confirm the family connections. I would like to know the best DNA test that would include MTDNA testing to confirm the family connections up to and through the matriarch.

I would also like to take a DNA test that does two things. First, since through my mother I have direct female connections to the matriarch. But I have also researched by Jewish genealogy directly through my Fathers patriarchal line back to the mid 1700's and I would like to take the test that I could upload to the Jewish Genealogy sites to determine my family connections. I have already investigated family connections but would like to confirm the with DNA testing.

Please recommend the tests I should take and my female relatives should take. Thanks.
FTDNA has the best all around testing for genealogy but it's also expensive. They offer full mtDNA sequencing for the mother side and both STR and SNP testing for the father side. It's all about what you want to spend.For example, you can get your STR or SNP values cheaper at YSEQ but you won't be able to match against the FTDNA database which is useful. FTDNA is the only popular company that offers mtDNA matching.I'm not familiar with the Jewish genealogy site but check to see if they require STR uploads from FTDNA or if they can take YSEQ.
The only testing site which to my knowledge will definitely tell you if you are half Ashkenazi is 23andme. If you are, it should give you hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of autosomal matches. Whether they choose to communicate is a different story.
PeopleFamily Tree DNA have now added mtDNA to their introductory offer.They are now doing mtDNA-Plus for 49 dollars. This is a very small fraction of what it cost just a few years agomtDNA follows the maternal line, passed from mother to child but both men and women can take the testCheersRichard

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