Guess the girl's ethnicity - former USSR


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An interesting appearance for the region, isn't it? 50s Ukraine/Belarus (former USSR). What do you think of her ethnicity? Particularly the eyes remind me Southern Europe or Middle East eventually...

Her eyes reminds me a lot of some Romani people.
She's very beautiful. She looks as if she could be Jewish.
She's very beautiful. She looks as if she could be Jewish.

I was going to say - her facial features are distinctively Asiatic, HOWEVER one thing gives her away as not being Jewish (imo at least), and that's how wide her face is. Jews tend to be leptomesoprosops (somewhat narrow faces), whereas her facial width is very Eastern European. From the front, her head appears very spherical with full cheeks, which is a typical Osteuropid trait.
Angela & ToBeOrNotToBe, thank you very much both for the inputs. Actually Jewish origin was one of my initial thoughts.

The eyes of this girl are impossible to overlook. What I have noticed though is a rather large nose bridge (though ToBeOrNotToBe mentioned it in general).

Here eyes remind me a couple of my relatives of a very mixed origin (but no Jewish roots as far as I know).

A lovely face in any case...
I knew she reminded me of someone.

I think she looks like Ornella Muti, an exotic looking Italian actress and sex symbol: half Italian and half Baltic German.



She could be the female version of me, I have nearly the same face width and lips.

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