Women of 50 are invisible to me


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Says 50 year old Yann Moix of Marie Claire, who looks like an ugly, old, midget with a Neanderthal face. Is he kidding? What woman of any age would choose him other than for either money or career advancement. The level of self-delusion that goes on in this world is unbelievable.


50 year old women:


Jennifer Anniston: no plastic surgery is going to give you legs like that. It's good genes and discipline


Heidi Klum
Yann Moix could have been an innovative novelist. He produced a couple of promising "first novels".

He ended up as an utterly obnoxious, unbearably provocative talk show commentator, constantly insulting and interrupting his interlocutors - some of them brilliant thinkers he should admire rather than challenge. An unsavoury individual by all standards, who fancies himself an intellectual.
He looks kinda like Bert from Sesame Street after getting out of jail
^^You're right. Most of his pictures look like mugshots. If I saw him in a lineup I'd think: alcoholic, drug addict, possible pedophile, living rough. That a man who looks like this has the gall to make such a comment about ANY woman just boggles the mind. I think he resembles a frog more than anything else, though, so not Bert. :)

Well with those google eyes, wide mouth and weak chin he does resemble a frog that "fell off the lily pad"
Well with those google eyes, wide mouth and weak chin he does resemble a frog that "fell off the lily pad"

He reminds me of someone I've threatened before. LOL
really! :)
maybe was him.
He reminds me of someone I've threatened before. LOL
really! :)
maybe was him.
wow, brave man!! Seriously, I wouldn't want to go near anyone looking like he does bc he looks like he's ready to wack a skull with a baseball bat or a beer bottle the minute someone stares at him wrong
wow, brave man!! Seriously, I wouldn't want to go near anyone looking like he does bc he looks like he's ready to wack a skull with a baseball bat or a beer bottle the minute someone stares at him wrong

My intimidation threshold is very high.
My Kung Fu is Strong. :LOL: :grin:
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^^You're right. Most of his pictures look like mugshots. If I saw him in a lineup I'd think: alcoholic, drug addict, possible pedophile, living rough. That a man who looks like this has the gall to make such a comment about ANY woman just boggles the mind. I think he resembles a frog more than anything else, though, so not Bert. :)


poor man
he is so full of himself
he lives in his own, isolated world
I think in general men do not think of women over 50 are sexy. But this also applies to men. If a young woman is with a much older man, the chances are she is only after his money and status. So it goes both ways.
I think in general men do not think of women over 50 are sexy. But this also applies to men. If a young woman is with a much older man, the chances are she is only after his money and status. So it goes both ways.

how old are you?
If we didn't repeat what he said he would be forgotten faster...
Jeff Bezos apparently doesn't mind 50 year old women.


She, of course, has been totally overcome by lust. :)


What a complete jerk. If he wanted a hooker why not pay by the hour? He could have gotten someone without plastic surgery too.
Maybe not :dubious:, his wife is 48 and ....


Jeff Bezos and His Wife MacKenzie Are Divorcing

The richest couple in the world is getting a divorce. Jeff Bezos and his wife Mackezie announced their split this morning on Twitter in a joint statement. They had been married for 25 years.


The most expensive divorce in history. How all that immense wealth will be divided? 50/50?
Maybe not :dubious:, his wife is 48 and ....


Jeff Bezos and His Wife MacKenzie Are Divorcing

The richest couple in the world is getting a divorce. Jeff Bezos and his wife Mackezie announced their split this morning on Twitter in a joint statement. They had been married for 25 years.


The new one is older by two years: she's fifty from what I read. That's what I meant about him liking 50 year olds. :)

He and his wife live in a community property state, so it's 50/50 for every dime made during the marriage, unless there's a prenuptial agreement. Given that when they courted and married they were working at the same place and he hadn't yet started Amazon, it seems they didn't.

If I were her I'd fight for every bit of that 50% if for no other reason than to protect the interests of my four children. Who knows what could happen under the influence of the new girlfriend or wife? She may not be able to produce more children, but she could someday prevail upon him to disinherit the four from his first marriage, or he could start squandering the money on the new one. I've seen it all in my line of work.

If it were me, once my children were protected I'd love to bring his whole company down around his ears, but there are all the employees to consider, so I probably wouldn't. It would be really tempting, however. :)
The new one is older by two years: she's fifty from what I read. That's what I meant about him liking 50 year olds. :)

He and his wife live in a community property state, so it's 50/50 for every dime made during the marriage, unless there's a prenuptial agreement. Given that when they courted and married they were working at the same place and he hadn't yet started Amazon, it seems they didn't.

If I were her I'd fight for every bit of that 50% if for no other reason than to protect the interests of my four children. Who knows what could happen under the influence of the new girlfriend or wife? She may not be able to produce more children, but she could someday prevail upon him to disinherit the four from his first marriage, or he could start squandering the money on the new one. I've seen it all in my line of work.

If it were me, once my children were protected I'd love to bring his whole company down around his ears, but there are all the employees to consider, so I probably wouldn't. It would be really tempting, however. :)

If I understand well, you wouldn't just protect your children, you'd be very offended as well.

We'll never know what realy happened, and we shouldn't, it is private matter.
If I understand well, you wouldn't just protect your children, you'd be very offended as well.

We'll never know what realy happened, and we shouldn't, it is private matter.

Offended? My dear Bicicleur, if after twenty five years of marriage and four children my husband suddenly went through a mid-life crisis and took up with some floozy I'd be more than offended: I'd be infuriated.

Is jealousy unknown in your parts? We used to have a handy legal provision where if you caught your husband or wife having sex with another person you could basically get away with killing one or both of them. I guess it's good for my husband we're in a different place and time. :)
Offended? My dear Bicicleur, if after twenty five years of marriage and four children my husband suddenly went through a mid-life crisis and took up with some floozy I'd be more than offended: I'd be infuriated.

Is jealousy unknown in your parts? We used to have a handy legal provision where if you caught your husband or wife having sex with another person you could basically get away with killing one or both of them. I guess it's good for my husband we're in a different place and time. :)

If the marriage was perfect for 25 years, then it may be the consequence of a midlife cirisis, but we don't know that.
I know very little about the actual persons, except that he is the founder of Amazon.
And I don't intend to do much research in this.
Fifty is pretty much twice my age, and I wouldn't say no.

The appeal of a more mature woman to us younger men is that they are well aware of their own flaws and blemishes, and thus lack the egotistical sense of entitlement of a twenty-something girl. I like that.

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