Stop feeling sorry for bullies


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They're not poor, secretly self-doubting and low self esteem people with issues. They're just nasty.

"Conventional wisdom has long suggested that bullies are “maladapted,” troubled people, lashing out because they had been abused or harassed themselves or at least had dysfunctional home lives."

But researchers at Simon Fraser University surveyed a group of Vancouver high school students and found bullies were the least likely to be depressed, had the highest self-esteem and the greatest social status.“Humans tend to try to establish a rank hierarchy,” says Jennifer Wong, the criminology professor who led the study. “When you’re in high school, it’s a very limited arena in which you can establish your rank, and climbing the social ladder to be on top is one of the main ways … Bullying is a tool you can use to get there.”

Most anti-bullying programs try to change the behaviour of bullies — and they usually don’t work, says Wong, who reviewed the literature on program outcomes for her PhD thesis. That’s probably because the behaviour is biologically hard-wired, not learned, she says.
Wong recommends that, instead of trying to change how bullies think, schools expand the range of competitive, supervised activities they can participate in — giving them a less harmful channel for their dominating tendencies."

They're already going into sports etc. Just freaking punish it harshly.

The following is the kind of thing that makes me despair of human nature. Rather than having sex with a bully I'd kick him in the groin. Maybe then he'd procreate fewer bullies.

"Meanwhile, separate research Volk is working on offers more evidence bolstering the concept: the bullies among 178 teenagers surveyed by the professor and his colleagues got more sex than everyone else."
Exactly my observation.

And what if we have president of USA a bully and bullying is his favorite activity, way before golf?

The sex thing confirms it too. ;)
Trump is a bit of a bully but if you think any of that will show in policies you’re sorely mistaken
I'm not a Trump fan. I wouldn't want children to emulate him, but what do we call what the media and the Democrats have been doing for two and a half years????

If that's not bullying I don't know what is...

It would be nice to hear some...hey, I was wrong, I was being hyperbolic, maybe I should have presented the other side, maybe I was biased.

That would take character, however, so I'm not holding my breath waiting for it.

Or how about people on internet forums who t-roll other nationalities or even people who hold different political beliefs????

That's not bullying?

Bullies are all around us. It's just particularly horrible when it's kids because they're not strong enough yet to take it.
I'm not a Trump fan. I wouldn't want children to emulate him, but what do we call what the media and the Democrats have been doing for two and a half years????

If that's not bullying I don't know what is...

It would be nice to hear some...hey, I was wrong, I was being hyperbolic, maybe I should have presented the other side, maybe I was biased.

That would take character, however, so I'm not holding my breath waiting for it.

Or how about people on internet forums who t-roll other nationalities or even people who hold different political beliefs????

That's not bullying?

Bullies are all around us. It's just particularly horrible when it's kids because they're not strong enough yet to take it.

Yes. +1 char
Though I find it very welcome and reassuring that these things have been established after serious scientific research devoted to this serious matter, I must say I'm not surprised in the least by what they found: that, despite what most people will say, the fact is that bullies get what they want in terms of sex (and not mostly through harassment or rape, so other people are obviously too condescending about their evils and fall easily for their charms - because they're often, of course, very dominant, persuasive characters); and that many, probably even most bullies have only two major troubles - that is, excess of confidence/self-esteem and utter lack of scruples in theirabsurdly competitive spirit. They best way to deal with them is to make sure they know they're not that important or smart, and that they will be heavily punished if they keep acting like they're some little tyrants in their microcosmos. And it would help if other people despised their bullying tendencies enough to not give them any pass (and any sex of course).

In sum, we'd have to change the way humankind works, lol... because what I can unfortunately say, given my adult life experience and perceptions of how public institutions and private companies work here (and I assume anywhere else), is that those who are least scrupulous, most devoid of moral concerns and ethical limits, most greedy, nasty and unashamedly ambitious to win at all costs are usually those that indeed end up getting more power, wealth and status. All that motivational talk that is so beautiful on the surface doesn't match up closely with to the reality I can see. The social and economic incentives for them to be bullies are just too many and can be found everywhere, and they're not stupid not to notice it.

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