Economy EuroGroup vs Cyprus vs GAZPROM (ΓΑ3ΠΡΟΜ)


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the links are in Greek language,

I will try to make a summary,

Seems like the ECB desicion about Cyprut Democracy and her banks is not accepted by Cypriots,
until now news and bargains run every minute with many informations,
Cyprus was a banking heaven mainly for Russians and Gazprom, and some others,
only today Russian bussinesman lost 3 500 000 000 E (RT) or 3 000 000 000 $ (Forbes)while cyprus lost 20 billion E just before the anouncement,
seems like future of Cyprus is after her hands, or after a big war, economic even military,
it up her hands to choose Icelanding model, or move away from EU which will be a big mistake since Cyprus Gas and oil deposit are Huge, or a worse fate than Greece.
all started after a 'strange' accident that destrioy a power plant in Cyprus last year,
one of the most wealthy and healthy economies, since the deposits were 5 times the state income.
Cyprus has almost zero balance in economics yet the pressure by banks was heavy,
on the other hand Russia used cyprus as corporation base and banking to make deals with rest Europe,
that desicion sounded like 'war' in Russian federation,

it seems like someone decided south Italy, Greece, Albania, Cyprus, (where the future energy deposits of EU exists) to be under a strong Central control, by Bankers,
yet nothing is decided, since in Cyprus the 'love' for EU drop from 75% to ~ 50%
and also Greece from 84% to ~48%. lets hope East mediterenean not to be a new Persian Gulf.
although the desicion for Cyprus can be a new Lehman Brother 'BOOM'

rumors say that Russian Gazprom is about to buy all Cyprus depth,

such desicion are promoting extra blind nationalism,
in 1 month in Greece raise from 0% to 8% then to 12%, after such desicion I am expecting more than 18% and Gods know how much in Cyprus.

the Total (oil company) case which Francais president brought to Greece seemed as good solution, but after the above seems like Total is the other hand of ECB.

until Tuesday we will know better, since Monday is a Holy day for all Eastern churches Orthodox and Catholic.
the latest news are giving a generous preposition by Russia

It seems like Gazprom is asking to buy 2 banks from Cyprus, if Cyprus will not accept the Eurogroup 'surviving' plan.
not only, also build a gas terminal at Μαρι (Mari) and offer to buy a 'field of Gas'

seems like all night V. Putin. A. Muhller, Israeli economical agents, and British economical agents try to find solutions,

I really don't know where the Eurogroup surviving plan pass or not, seems like the economical status will chenge for ever,
if Cyprus will not agree with Eurogroup, then many European high position will lose their job even go to judge,
Goldman sachs is about to lose much more than expected, EU fiscal union plan is about to collapse, and the road for moving away from Brussels (Eu not Belgic) orders is open,
may i remind you that Cyprus is a small Swiss, inside EU, where both Britain and Russia use Banks to trade with Arabs China and Africa since Cyprus once was a proud member of 3rd world movement,
the deposits in Cypriot banks reach more than x5 the state income, something extraordinary for EU country,

the thrill will end tomorrow if all goes ok,
but really I don't know about the future,

it seems like 71% of Cypriots are rejecting Eurogroup solution,
that means we may have a new Iceland way?
60% want the Euro and 40% want to go back to Cypriot pound (λιρα) the old exchange which was based and equal to British pound.

from the German ministry for economy rumors speak about asking for new 'tele meeting' of Eurogroup today.
Seems like the fear that huge energy deposits can move to non 'friendly' hands droped like thunder.
Even Turkey the giant 'Siemens No2' is quiet about the subject.

when I said that crisis at a good percentage is 'fabricated and fictional' someone laugh,
how about now? forcing Cyprus to sell her energy deposits?
Why the weaker Eurozone states continue to stay in the eurozone is beyond me. It makes absolutely no sense for Greece to be enslaved by the Bundesbank and not issue its own currency. The only benefactor of peripheral eurozone weakness is the cores ability to have a competitive advantage with exports. Weakness in the periphery is a drag on the value of the EUR, making it cheaper for the Germans to export their goods. This means that Germany is the benefactor of Greek economic weakness and Germans would be crazy to want Greece to leave the Eurozone.

I think it's time for the Greeks to wake up, leave the Eurozone, and issue their own currency.
I think it's time for the Greeks to wake up, leave the Eurozone, and issue their own currency.

Greece can not simply leave the eurozone. There are enormous consequences attached for the eurozone area as a whole.

Besides, the current Greek government will never leave the eurozone voluntarily. It would mean that they have failed. As such, they would loose power and end up in jail as traitors for signing the bail-out agreements.
Greece could only leave the eurozone by a majority vote of the people or some kind of revolution.

Also, Greece leaving the eurozone will mean that the country will go towards an alliance with Russia.
It not obligation to go with Russia, or USA, but surely the balances in Balkans and East mediterrenean will not be as today.

for those who want to read more 'Der Spiegel' has some behind the scenes data.

it seems like the dream of one and only one SuperBank in EU is canceled by Cyprus.
the desicion is historical no matter the future will bring cause it means that in some corners of EU still live 'free' people who can decide for their shelves, families and future.
according the future of Cyprus many others will have the chance to say No against EU Central desicions,
surely now opens again the road for No again to Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Ireland,

I do not know if that is good or bad for the future of EU,
but I know is a strong slap to 'Banklovers' and Central Command areas of EU.

the next big slap must be given to collosal corporations which are stronger than any European country.
Europe with out middle class, has no difference with many Dictatoric countries of near past.

It is time to recosinder what kind of fiscal union we want as EU citizens.
the first NO has recorded.

I wonder is it coinsidence that Deutschland Banks were the only ones who earn from crisis in South, while after Cyprus desicion Bundesbank is about to lose much more that earned until today, Austrian minister spoke about that very extense, and at least in my eyes she is a good observer in EU economics

So lets wait to see what the future is bringing.
the problem of Cyprus now is that she must find 5 700 000 000 E in the near future,
How much Russians will help Cyprus?
Russians saved 3 000 000 000 E that were to change hand and pass to ECB, they are willing to save Laiki popular Bank but how much will they have pay to save Cyprus?

lets hope that the miracle of Iceland that kick the .... of big Bankers will be repeat.
Enough with collosal banks and corporations.

Monday's Der Spiegel

Tuesday's Der Stantard (Austrian)

seems like my fears are also Jean Claude's fears, (ex Eurogroup head)
'The deamons have not left, they just sleep' said and mention even the possibilies for 'war(m) days ghost' above Europe.
Why is important the desicion of Cypriots.

that is the first attempt in EU to save a country by peoples deposits.
consider if that pass a measure,
then it it will be a 'law' a solution in the hands of both goverment and ECB.
that means that in future each country can borrow, then 'take' the deposits of people to pay,
so politicians who are close to Bankers will borrow and people will pay with less fear,
If we combine that with laws such as more than 1500E bill in Greece must be paid by debit or credit bank card, then it is simple to understand what kind of economy we will have in the future,

besides if a measure pass once then can be used in another country,
Just think if something like that happens tommorow at a country like Deutscheland or France etc.

The 2nd reason is the free pass-movement of capitals (money) inside EU, and the free choice of people,
analyzing more,
Today a bank of Greece can support a project in Germany,
A bank of Italy can support a construction in Bulgaria,
in the terms of the Eurogroup-Cyprus agreement was also the term that 'small' banks can support projects only in their homecountry, while big Banks everywhere,
Meaning that the major 2 Cypriot Banks can support only projects inside Cyprus, while foreign banks can also support projects in Cyprus,
and in case for Cyprus where the 40-60% of the deposit are foreign capitals means almost death.

my personal believe is to close all private Banks, except mints and central state banks.
I do not want to Support Cypriot Banks, they worked as 'washing machines' in the past, but I am force to support the peoples' desicion.
seems like the EuGroup/Cyprus pass the Atlantic,

in NYT Paul krugman(maybe I spell wrong) say about the case FUBAR (F Up Beyond All Recognition)

in the bellow video you see some Russian Bussiness man that use Cyprus as base.

from some discussions I had today, seems like the final act will not be Cyprus, but Italy,
South Italy, Apullia is about to become a huge oil and gas productive area, and the biggest terminal of all, Albanian Greek Cyprus Russian Georgian Azerbaijan/Turkey MonteNegro/Croatian.
Agkona and Brindesi and a future connection with Napoli seems will be the energy heart of Europe.
So Italy must find her way before the time runs out.


Besides the today meeting among J M Barozo and V Putin turn to be nothing new.
What would happen to Cypriots if their banks fail?
What would happen to Cypriots if their banks fail?

really don't know.

4 possible solutions I can see

1) state will be like Argentina before few years,
2) we might have a repeat of Icelanding miracle
3) state will be forced to sell cheap the Gas deposits
4) area there is warm, Syria Turkey Egypt Israel Palestine

What do you think?

and what about Eurozone? what will happened to Eu if Cyprus decided to move away?
surely EU is 'armed' for such cases but something might happened also.
for the record,
there is small history about that case in

and in BNP-Paribas chief economy analyzer opinions.
It seems like Cypriot president has quit of his position, and leaves the desicion to the people,

New elections-referendum is about to be in Cyprus

BTW the (Romanian) Draculescu, a girl whos father was a high officer at Tsausesku times in Romania,
a strong ex-Comunist,
a girl that sunk Costa-Rica and Peru, is in open war with Cyprus,
IMF is just the clown since Langarde can not handle IMF where the above Romanian Delia seems to have more power than Langarde,
for the record, ex-strong communist daughter of a tsausesku officer, which study in the USA with money that her father steall fromRomanian people, the one who destroy costa-Rica Peru and many others, seems to be ahead than Langarde, and we might even have change of hands in IMF.

it seems like in small countries like Iceland and cyprus democracy works,
lets see.
Another tragedy in the works...
get your shelve prepaired for Globo or Yuan.
'Barbers' will 'haircut' Euro and USD$ in few years, so to bring the 'one'
The agreement was made under severe pressure by the Troika. They forced the Cypriot president to conform. Don't you find it strange that the Cypriot parliament could not vote for the package? They voted NO the first time, the second time Cyprus got worse deal than the first and forced Cyprus to conform.
Why was Cyprus admitted to the Eurozone in the first place?
Troika and her puppets at Eurogroup will destroy Europe. Europe has no future any more. Cyprus after the hostility of all the so called partners does not feel europe anymore and no longer wants europe. Cypriots dont want bundesbank to rule them. Europe has deliberately imposed heavy losses in Cyprus banks after Creece haircut and they have now finished the perfect murder. From the beginning the goal of Troika was to beat Cyprus. Money laundering was the excuse but this is bullshit. Europe wake up. Who will be next ? Cypriots will lift their heads and will work again to live. The anti German, anti Holland, anti Sweden and generally antieurope feeling is stronger than ever in Cyprus . With Gods help Cyprus will stand up again. But please note that we will never forget this. Europe has shown to Cyprus which is the correct way and this is not Europe.
It's not the end of the world. Greeks went bankrupt 3 or 4 times in last century. They have survived every time. Cyprus will too. Life goes on. Try picking better politicians next time to run your country. If not successful, come to Alberta, Canada. Economy is great and we need more people of all skills.
It's amazing the bundle of mistakes made with Cyprus. A sad predicament for the population.
Troika and her puppets at Eurogroup will destroy Europe. Europe has no future any more. Cyprus after the hostility of all the so called partners does not feel europe anymore and no longer wants europe. Cypriots dont want bundesbank to rule them. Europe has deliberately imposed heavy losses in Cyprus banks after Creece haircut and they have now finished the perfect murder. From the beginning the goal of Troika was to beat Cyprus. Money laundering was the excuse but this is bullshit. Europe wake up. Who will be next ? Cypriots will lift their heads and will work again to live. The anti German, anti Holland, anti Sweden and generally antieurope feeling is stronger than ever in Cyprus . With Gods help Cyprus will stand up again. But please note that we will never forget this. Europe has shown to Cyprus which is the correct way and this is not Europe.

If I were you I would be more mad about your politicians and the bankingsystem. It's easy to blame the European Union or northern countries for the bankruptcy.
What did you expect a "carte blanche" even Russia did not guarantee further funds or loans? Is it fair that tax payers have to pay for the fault of the banks? After the Iceland debacle Icesave the Cypriots could have known that high interest rates makes banks very vulnerable.

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