In which region of the world did your blood type originate?


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I have been looking into this for years but do need more data on it.
So far I have the following:

O Positive

All indications show Africa as the source.

A Positive

Usually people say Europe, but Armenia and Assyria show up also high in A positive blood. Assyria is high for A2 which
also Tutankhamun had. So the jury is out on this one, but I actually tend to look at the Fertile Crescent as a potential
point of origin. And then the Andaman Islanders and Blackfoot Indians appear to be the highest in A positive blood.

B Positive

The Himalaya region seems very high. And likely is the point of origin. It is also interesting that most native
American tribes are 100 percent O positive, yet the Inuits have significant B positive frequencies as well.
And the Inuits replaced the original Proto-Eskimos around 1,000 years ago which were likely blood type O.
B is likely the newest of the alleles creating the AB later than that. The fact that AB is the newest blood type
shows a strong likelihood that in fact blood type B came after O and A.

AB Positive

This one is a puzzle as it came when the first B mixed with an A. What is interesting is a study of 55 ancient Hebrew
remains where more than half turned out blood type AB. Positive or negative has not been indicated in the study:

Blood types of the ancient Hebrews

O Negative

It seems that wherever rh negative blood is high, so is blood type O. Be it amongst the Celts, the Basques or the Rhone Valley Walsers. Looking back in time, Sumer might be the place of origin. But more studies are needed as we only have indications at this point.

A Negative

Here we go again: Is it Armenia, Assyria or Europe. Or did O negative tribes with Sumerian ancestry simply make it to Europe and mix with
A positive Europeans to produce A negative blood?

B Negative

Since the original blood type B people from the Nepal region were likely all B positive, there is not doubt that B negative blood
first came up when a B positive person had a child with an O negative one.

AB Negative

Again, a blood type A and blood type B person mixing with both carrying the D negative at least recessively was when the first person with AB negative blood was created. Where? You tell me!

I am interested in more data and thoughts on this. And I am also interested in where people here may think or can pinpoint origin of their
individual blood type. And what is also of great interest to me are haplogroup frequencies of those sharing the same blood types.
B positive here. Not any ancestry from the himalayas though, as far as I know (and it's very unlikely)

As a B, I am blood minorty in here, same as politic and religious cases.
I am
Basque? I had heard basques are mostly RH -
Switzerland have the most AB- frecuency, with 2% so...

In the other hand Zimbawe (0.01) Mongolia with 0.04 and asiatics in general have low frecuency.
I am O negative
Yep! It's very interesting. I am just curious if haplogroup has anything to do with blood group.
There are strong correlations. Men with y-DNA R1b for example tend to have higher percentages of rh negatives than the European average. And when you look at haplogroups exclusively in Southeast Asia, you will likely find very few rh negatives amongst them.
Your phenotype.

idk tbh, I got my info from when I called the blood center, because they never sent my card. She said A+ over the phone, and they're re-sending it. She also said my blood saved the lives of 3 people :)
idk tbh, I got my info from when I called the blood center, because they never sent my card. She said A+ over the phone, and are re-sending it. She also said my blood saved the lives of 3 people :)
Very cool. If you know your parents' blood types, it might give a clue to the phenotype. Like if one parent is O for example, you will carry that recessively. As you would the rh negative blood factor if either of your parents is rh negative.

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