Reconstruction of Ancient British people

Halle Berry is just as Negroid (partial Negroid origin) as she is Caucasoid. No, actually she is more of Caucasoid origin than Negroid one. As I said, some cultures just can't get rid of their "one drop rule" times yet. She is "black" in those parts of the world where there is just White vs. Black dichotomy, with no subtlety, so anything that doesn't look fully White is assigned to the generic Black category, whereas, on the contrary, any partial, even minor African-like features are more than enough to classify someone as "Black". Of course she identifies lik that, she's also part of that same social milieu that clings to that black-or-white classification. We know that's all pretty subjective and arbitrary. Halle Berry's phenotype is very mixed, so she won't fit any cluster perfectly. These "Caucasoid" and "Negroid" terms are too broad and incomplete anyway... but I'd describe her present looks as mainly Caucasoid with just some Negroid influences, skin color aside.

In the UK, and most would never say or directly think this, Halle Berry is a "nice" black, but still not what people would call mixed. A mixed person is between someone like Meghan Markle (who is basically Caucasoid in virtually all her features) and someone with more clearly Negroid features but with that distinctive mixed-race light-caramel skin tone (e.g. below)

To get back to our British Neolithic woman, where she most resembles Halle Berry (other than in the dark skin they've inexplicably given her) is in her diamond shaped face with it's distinctive high, wide cheekbones.

That face shape is not rare in Europeans, although I notice it more in East Asians.


Ginnifer Goodwin:

Michele Williams: her hair is naturally a medium to dark brown.

Scarlett Johanson:

Audrey Tautou. The big difference is that she has much larger eyes. Fwiw, she's from the Auvergne/Rhone/Alpes
The Anglo Saxon looks like a pirate. I would immediately cast him as Captain Hook
A lot is maybe the wrong word, but a surprising amount were - at least if you believe Genetiker. The Anglo-Saxon man is also definitely too dark to be a typical Scandinavian, most e.g. Danes have the standard Nordic combination of pale skin and light hair, but there are also darker types like Mads Mikkelsen. Most Danes would be noticeably non-British amongst a small crowd of Brits though, the pigmentation difference is quite large in general. As for the Iron Age one - he definitely passes as Celtic fringe, but on the dark side of the spectrum. But still passable.

An Anglo Saxon is from NW Germany, this man’s pigmentation, blue eyes salt and pepper dark blond into light brown, looks not weird for that area, not all it’s very common.

Though his forehead is pretty slope....but I guess the Anglo Saxons were pretty divers.

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Britain in the end comes to be like a sink of the continent
Most of those women are half Jewish and not even Alpine Magnon or Cro Magnon lol

Angela can't classify.

The gold-standard for phenotypical classification is here, I've no idea how long it took to put together but it's virtually flawless in my view:

It's usually easy to tell which phenotype someone broadly belongs to: don't fall into the trap of trying to be overly specific by combining many aspects of different phenotypes. For Europe at least, the main things you want to look at are the outline of the face (e.g. oval, round, triangular etc.) and the form of the nose (e.g. convex, concave, high, fleshy etc.), just with that you can classify 90% of people accurately; for most of the rest of the 10%, you can figure it out by looking at their eye and brow ridge form (this is where Cro-Magnon influence is most clearly seen).
Merkle's so called UK ''American'' side is half Jewish ( her Father is an American Jew like the majority of the British Monarchy who are German Jews) and her Mother is African with some Native or so I have heard. Literally no mention of her being Caucasian or White they just assume so because her Father has light skin. But so does her Mother compared to as some users here densly put ''Negroids''. Which means that like most so called ''African Americans'' she would most likely have some percentages of Dutch and British as well as being African due to the slave trade.

I can honestly see the English features more in Berry than what I can in Merkle's features. Her Mother looks like a British/German Borreby Nordid mix. Yes I know she ( Halle ) has had plastic surgery but you can tell they're Mother and Daughter.

And for those of you that are going to say it's all rubbish the Illuminati don't exist blah blah a great Uncle of mine who's a 33 degree Freemason, got Knighted by the Queen ( Scottish Coat of Arms ) can confirm they are alive and do exist, plus they are bleeding the tax payers in this country who actually work for a living dry. At least Americans don't have that just the Fed Reserve.

How is the Royal Family Jewish? I don't see how you can be THAT dumb, really. Is Prince Philip a German Jew to you?!

And whether or not you believe in a shadow government (so to speak), which I do, there is no such thing as the Illuminati in the sense that you imagine it, only those who dictate the important points of foreign policy for what they see as bettering the world (in my opinion at least). You have a Cluster A personality disorder, textbook case: Google it.
Please another movie more of Elisabeth l and María Tudor. Nooooooooooo, the world can not take it anymore. There are dozens of countries, there are wonderful stories of kings and queens of many countries. By when another of Robin Hood, for when another of Vikings. What do they want? Do you think that this overdose of British History in Hollywood productions is something for the world public? I'm not going to see that movie.
To get back to our British Neolithic woman, where she most resembles Halle Berry (other than in the dark skin they've inexplicably given her) is in her diamond shaped face with it's distinctive high, wide cheekbones.

That face shape is not rare in Europeans, although I notice it more in East Asians.

Those cheekbones are definitely the cold adaptation from her WHG ancestry showing. Compare with Neolithic Levantines who convenienty plastered the skulls of their dead so we don't have to rely on reconstructions:


Much closer to the fine features of slender modern European variants like Mediterranean/Nordic/Dinaric etc. .
No, a lot of the Neolithic Brits weren't blonde. Do you just decide to make things up instead of doing the research?

I don't want to see you insisting without a link to a paper which finds that. Am I clear?

I'll grant you that Roman Era Briton is an Arya type, but Ango-Saxon man looks right to me: Danish, Scandinavian like, whereas the handsome Iron Age one looks "Celtic fringe".

What the heck is an Arya type?
Halle Berry is just as Negroid (partial Negroid origin) as she is Caucasoid. No, actually she is more of Caucasoid origin than Negroid one. As I said, some cultures just can't get rid of their "one drop rule" times yet. She is "black" in those parts of the world where there is just White vs. Black dichotomy, with no subtlety, so anything that doesn't look fully White is assigned to the generic Black category, whereas, on the contrary, any partial, even minor African-like features are more than enough to classify someone as "Black". Of course she identifies lik that, she's also part of that same social milieu that clings to that black-or-white classification. We know that's all pretty subjective and arbitrary. Halle Berry's phenotype is very mixed, so she won't fit any cluster perfectly. These "Caucasoid" and "Negroid" terms are too broad and incomplete anyway... but I'd describe her present looks as mainly Caucasoid with just some Negroid influences, skin color aside.

This is not just how it works. Typical exemple : Obama is a Mulato, but he consider himself as just Black. So if the world cannot call him Black but he can himself, what is the point? You are right by saying its highly subjective and arbitrary, but this is the point of the world and the " diversity ". I decide what i consider a thing, and this thing ( if he cans ) can decide what he consider himself. I decide to consider Halle Berry as Black, whatever % of European she is, or whatever her facial characteristic. It's once again an arbitrary and subjective point, i like to hierarchised world in different boxes, other peoples dont care. This is about personnal subtilities, not about being right or wrong.
The best of all is the Anglo-Saxon mustache. The Bell Beaker one somehow looks what i would imagine of some CWC individuals. The neolithic British women looks fancy, either some British people didn't learn about Anatolian and Balkans neolithic people pigmentation, or either she is supposed to be highly Cheddar Man-like. Whoever she cleary is depicted as lightly African, wich most of modern exemples posted totally do not look like. That's highly irrelevent to post pictures of dark haired and eyed British people to say " hey look they have dark features, they are not blonde, it's pretty much like this neolithic woman ".

Edit: Actually, looking closer and interestingly, the neolithic woman pigmentation apart, somehow looks like some Albanian woman. The straight frontal and the eyes shape somehow reminds me of something from Albania.
Halle Berry when it represents calm characters it is white and when it is angry and it is stressed it is black. It is the perception that I have. In the film that depicts a mother who persecutes the kidnappers of her son, she is black all the time.

Halle Berry when it represents calm characters it is white and when it is angry and it is stressed it is black. It is the perception that I have. In the film that depicts a mother who persecutes the kidnappers of her son, she is black all the time.

Isn't that kind of racist :unsure:
^^Racists were others that we already know. Confuse churras with merinas.
Those cheekbones are definitely the cold adaptation from her WHG ancestry showing. Compare with Neolithic Levantines who convenienty plastered the skulls of their dead so we don't have to rely on reconstructions:


Much closer to the fine features of slender modern European variants like Mediterranean/Nordic/Dinaric etc. .

Yes, that's exactly right. Her features show the admixture between the two types. The only thing "off" about the reconstruction imo is the darker than probable skin.

Those cheekbones and the diamond shaped face are the only features she shares with Halle Berry, who got them, ironically, given the discussion, from her mother. :) In fact, Halle Berry looks remarkably like her mother, just with dark skin and "African" hair, here straightened. Maybe the profile would reveal a little something different, but basically, indeed, her skeletal structure is Caucasian, body included.


Unfortunately, in so many cases people don't really "see" others; they go by preconceived notions. That's what makes eye witness testimony so unreliable in many cases.
What the heck is an Arya type?

Arya Stark is a character in "The Game of Thrones", an HBO series, played by the English actress Maisie Williams.


She has that diamond shaped, high cheek boned thing going on too, but as Markod noted, that's probably from a "North Eurasian" source in the case of Europeans.
Yes, that's exactly right. Her features show the admixture between the two types. The only thing "off" about the reconstruction imo is the darker than probable skin.

Those cheekbones and the diamond shaped face are the only features she shares with Halle Berry, who got them, ironically, given the discussion, from her mother. :) In fact, Halle Berry looks remarkably like her mother, just with dark skin and "African" hair, here straightened. Maybe the profile would reveal a little something different, but basically, indeed, her skeletal structure is Caucasian, body included.


Unfortunately, in so many cases people don't really "see" others; they go by preconceived notions. That's what makes eye witness testimony so unreliable in many cases.

To be fair, if you try to search Halle Berry pictures for when she was a teenager or young woman, her nose and jawline is not really the same. She could have used plastic chirurgy multiple times. Also i saw a lot of mulato with very square jaws and hard features, but even white skinned they would have looked nothing european. I had a portuguese friend when i was young and he had blonde hairs but a very olive skin, i always found him african and i knew only a few years ago that he actually had mozambique ancestry too. I think it's a lost cause to try to say " hey look this african guy, he looks very european but dark skinned ". That's like when people are saying that Khoisans somehow look Asiatic, that's very wrong.
There are people whose mixtures make them chameleonic and according to the times or their emotional states e.t.c. they enhance more aspects of their physique or others.

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