Where does the Albanian language come from? [VIDEO]

I'm rather arguing for an * early * northern origin, consistent with Pre-Latin loanwords and no Greek interactions.

Do you have a paper on these pre-Latin relations?
According to John Trumper Albanian bese/a is an Albanian-Celtic isoglosse.


https://books.google.de/books?hl=en...=onepage&q=Celtic Albanian isoglosses&f=false
First we need to separate language and genetics. The two do not necessarily go together. The other thing we need to consider is that during the 6th, 7th 8th and 9th centuries there was a lot of population movements and the tribe names do not always describe a neat, closed society. They were usually an alliance of tribes. Take the Avars. They first fought against the Slavs but then aligned themselves with them. Or the Bulgarians. The old Bulgars were a a Turkic nomadic tribe and as they moved west they absorbed a lot of other tribes. For a while they lived next to Slavs and they became slavicized. Then they mixed with Dacians and Thracians as they moved down to what is now Bulgaria.
First we need to separate language and genetics. The two do not necessarily go together. The other thing we need to consider is that during the 6th, 7th 8th and 9th centuries there was a lot of population movements and the tribe names do not always describe a neat, closed society. They were usually an alliance of tribes. Take the Avars. They first fought against the Slavs but then aligned themselves with them. Or the Bulgarians. The old Bulgars were a a Turkic nomadic tribe and as they moved west they absorbed a lot of other tribes. For a while they lived next to Slavs and they became slavicized. Then they mixed with Dacians and Thracians as they moved down to what is now Bulgaria.

If we suppose that Albanians come from Dacians during Early Middle Age then at least one of the Y-DNA present among Albanians should have a shared Y-DNA with Romanians and Moldavians with TMRCA sometimes during A.C, that's not the case though. Language-wise recently everyone agrees and classifies Messapic as Albanoid language (note that they classify such because of the only surviving member of this language family is Albanian).
This is a video interview with a researcher of this culture, its only in albanian, but some artefacts are visible.

Artefacts from the Komani-Kruja / Arber culture:


Some Dardanians seem to have moved to Italy (Apulia, Calabria) before Greeks, where they would later be known as Messapians. Sir Noel Malcolm believes Albanian descends from the non-Romanised Balkan Dardanians, this would explain affinities.

Some Dardanians seem to have moved to Italy (Apulia, Calabria) before Greeks, where they would later be known as Messapians. Sir Noel Malcolm believes Albanian descends from the non-Romanised Balkan Dardanians, this would explain affinities.


as far as I know, no single tribe or population can claim that they became known as the Messapi.

The Messapi were the product of centuries of mixing locals and various populations, maybe the Dardanians too, ... why not :)

imho ... if we had access to the Messapi Raw-Data, chances are they would get some results similar to the results below (more or less):

Albanian, Greek, and Armenian are proposed to have come from a single Balkan-IE group in the new "Dispersal & Diversification" book, with Albanian splitting off a bit earlier. There will need to be linguistic and genetic cooperation between these three countries to test and investigate the history of this relationship if true.

^Are Dacian and Thracian also part of the Balkan group?

They made the tree based on living languages, we don't know what Thracian, Dacian, Illyrian sounded.
brachycephaly/dolichocephaly are a distinctive trait of some value but it is not effective to measure remote genetic links between pops. And the original launchers of a culture or language are not by force tightly linked to the current heirs of this culture or language.
So, any update in terms of linguistics?
Matzinger argues that certain features characteristic of the Albanian language (see A, B, C, D) were already developed, or were being developed, in the second half of the second millennium BC (~1500BC).


Matzinger argues that certain features characteristic of the Albanian language (see A, B, C, D) were already developed, or were being developed, in the second half of the second millennium BC (~1500BC).

From later on in this paper, Matzinger argues that Albanian cannot be Thracian, but must be a separate language:

"Es liegt also eine Isoglosse vor, die ausreichend und aussagekräftig genug ist, um festzustellen, dass zwischen dem Thrakischen und dem Albanischen keine nähere Verwandtschaft, im besonderen aber kein Deszendenzverhältnis bestehen kann.

Damit aber wird die Theorie, nach welcher die Albaner sprachlich die Nachkommen der thrakischen Bessen sein sollen widerlegt.

Google translated:

"There is therefore an isogloss that is sufficient and meaningful enough to establish that there can be no closer relationship between Thracian and Albanian, but in particular no relationship of descent.

But this refutes the theory according to which the Albanians are linguistically the descendants of the Thracian Bessen.

Matzinger argues that certain features characteristic of the Albanian language (see A, B, C, D) were already developed, or were being developed, in the second half of the second millennium BC (~1500BC).

This is relevant for history because it means that Albanian was already linguisticaly branched off or was branching off with its distinctive linguistic features of its own in the second half of the second millenium BC.

These are good conditions to assume some form of in-group bias that would have existed based on being a speaker of this language branch, an ethnic and tribal identity associated with this branch, possibly a compact material culture associated with it.

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