Recent content by AdrianPiskovic

  1. AdrianPiskovic

    Are there genetic differences in Bosnian Croats and Bosnian Serbs?

    Do Serbs and Croats from the same towns like Mostar, Sarajevo or Banja Luka all share the same DNA? For example if a Serb and Croat lived in a Bosnian town for centuries, is it possible to track if there is a difference in their DNA?
  2. AdrianPiskovic

    Genetic similarities and differences between Bosnian Croats, Bosnian Serbs, and Bosni

    Just wondering if anyone knows any information or facts about the genetic differences in the different ethnic groups of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  3. AdrianPiskovic

    T1 in Southern Italy

    How common is the T1 Haplogroup in Sicily, Calabria, Apulia, Campania, and Basilicata? Just figured out I’m apart of the Haplogroup, but seems quite rare. Could anyone help me out?
  4. AdrianPiskovic

    I1 in the Balkans

    I have completed a Y-DNA test with FamilyTreeDNA, and they came up with the conclusion that I am apart of the I1 Haplogroup. This confuses me as my paternal DNA comes from Hercegovina. Could anyone explain why I maybe be apart of I1 and not I2a?