Recent content by alexfritz

  1. alexfritz


    gencove UPDATE! 01/2018 with new clusters FTDNAb_37_concatenated / FTDNAb_37_autos
  2. alexfritz

    Phoenician mtdna from sardinia

    that is the point in specifics about Cicero 'pro scauro' in has to be viewed in a special context, a lawyer defending his client M.A.Scaurus by highlighting implying the sardinians to be punic/carthaginian meaning enemy in character not ethno-cultural; what i have puzzled together so far is that...
  3. alexfritz

    First Etruscan settlement found in Sardinia

    that is fantastic with sardinia as the initial base of iron innovation would make a good fit, as acc to demarinis 2004 there truly were two phases of iron production in italy, the initial innovation (sporadic) during villanova coinciding with proto-urbanisation gearing towards the coast in south...
  4. alexfritz

    First Etruscan settlement found in Sardinia

    so the intensive contact was pre/before the orientalising period in etruria?
  5. alexfritz

    Hauteville (Normans of the South) project ! incl DNA analysis !

    DNA history: Opening a tomb of four great warriors in Italy 'The budget is not a big one for a project of this size, but now we need about 50.000 Norwegian kroners, around 5.150 Euros...
  6. alexfritz

    K15 Post your aDNA K15 map!

    Population North_Sea 26.59 Atlantic 20.20 Baltic 6.00 Eastern_Euro 7.50 West_Med 19.76 West_Asian 6.53 East_Med 10.70 Red_Sea 2.62 South_Asian - Southeast_Asian - Siberian - Amerindian - Oceanian 0.10 Northeast_African -...
  7. alexfritz

    North-Central Italian Bronze Age invasion of South Italy and the Sea Peoples

    "sardinians are too drifted" what does that even mean? sardinians are isolated maybe too isolated hence retaining a strong neolithic affinity/continuity thus they are a good indicator of shared drift with original populations; the fact that no one scores sardinian on 23andme and sards themselves...
  8. alexfritz

    MDLP MDLP K16 Modern

    castellanza/parabiago with centers legnano/canegrate in lombardia/po-valley as for the rest, presumably; my case the 3pop-approx along with these @good-distances 2 54.2% German (Germany) + 45.8% Italian (Tuscany) @ 2.25 13 67.3% Italian (Bergamo) +...
  9. alexfritz

    MDLP MDLP K16 Modern

    sure did, pract nullified by distances at least as i understand it oracles; Using 1 population approximation: 1 Italian_Friul @ 6.095687 2 Italian_Bergamo @ 6.114897 3 Montenegrian_Montenegro @ 6.277299 4 Provencal_Provence @ 6.390657 5 Serbian_Serbia @ 6.569745 6 Swiss_Switzerland @ 6.938941 7...
  10. alexfritz

    MDLP MDLP K16 Modern

    Population Amerindian - Ancestor - Steppe 17.50 Indian - Arctic 0.33 Australian - Caucasian 27.12 EastAfrican - NorthEastEuropean 20.02 NearEast 2.52 Neolithic 32.03 NorthAfrican 0.37 Oceanic 0.11 Siberian - SouthEastAsian - Subsaharian - Using 2 populations...
  11. alexfritz

    MDLP MDLP K11 Modern

    MDLP K11 Population African - Amerindian - ASI - Basal 8.33 Iran-Mesolithic 2.19 Neolithic 41.05 Oceanic 0.21 EHG 23.35 SEA - Siberian 0.28 WHG 24.59 Using 1 population approximation: 1 Maros_BA @ 12.583154 2 Germany_BA @ 14.103176 3...
  12. alexfritz

    K36 Post your K36 maps, lets see how similar you are to each country

    Population Amerindian - Arabian - Armenian 2.05 Basque 2.99 Central_African - Central_Euro 6.22 East_African - East_Asian - East_Balkan 1.80 East_Central_Asian - East_Central_Euro - East_Med 7.21 Eastern_Euro 5.61...
  13. alexfritz

    13 Skeletons and Artifacts Discovered While Building Rome’s Subway

    not sure about these thirteen romans but there will be a paper incl NGS on romans of the same period[imperial1st-3rd] and also rome city vicinity next year or another time; p18/19 the samples are most prob the same...
  14. alexfritz


    fully agree i think DNA.Land might even be the most detailed for south european ancestry yet the way i see it i do view all calcs (i tested with at least) as equal reputable; maybe its a shift between CHG/WHG which tilts the north_italian either side? though in my case it was first mostly...
  15. alexfritz


    practically diffused between the two clusters east med(levantine) and west med(south europe)+ sardinian on their own; at myHeritage i get ~33% italian and 7.9% greek and at K29 it is all 37% greek-albanian but these are two different calculators with different definitions and clusters and kurd...