Recent content by Bramicus

  1. Bramicus


    I'm not mad at you for being confused, Void, but whenever I meet someone who believes that kind of ludicrous conspiracy junk, whether it's right wingers worrying about black UN helicopters, leftists thinking GW Bush went to war to help his oil buddies, hate mongers rambling about Zionist plots...
  2. Bramicus


    Well, we know about the Al Qaeda training facility in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other places. But that's a far cry from saying that Al Qaeda didn't do it -- whether they had support from governments or not.
  3. Bramicus


    Of course they (Islamist extremists) have had billions of dollars of financial support from Saudi Arabia and other places (not for specific attacks, but for spreading the Wahhabi doctrine of hate), and possibly plenty of financial support for Al Qaeda itself, but that has nothing to do with...
  4. Bramicus


    I'm sorry, but I cannot have an intelligent conversation with someone who seriously believes that the earth is flat, that the moon is made of green cheese, that the Holocaust didn't happen, or (after not only the mountains of evidence, but even their own admission of culpability) that Islamist...
  5. Bramicus

    Most shocking moment (tv) ?

    It was watching the second aircraft fly into the South Tower of the World Trade Center -- no doubt about it: no other moment even comes close.
  6. Bramicus

    President Bush Speach, Tuesday Night

    Forty years ago they were supposed to run out in 30 years (from then). At that rate, by 2045 we'll have enough energy reserves to last another 70 years! {lol} Aside: Those when-we'll-run-out predictions are always based on "proven oil/coal reserves" known at the time.
  7. Bramicus

    President Bush Speach, Tuesday Night

    Except in places like China and India, which are EXEMPT from the strict environmental standards of the Kyoto treaty, even though they're the biggest particulate air pollution producers in the world!
  8. Bramicus

    President Bush Speach, Tuesday Night

    But I thought Bush invaded Iraq for oil and to help U.S. financial interests! Jeez, it's hard to know which anti-American rationale to believe anymore! [lol]
  9. Bramicus

    President Bush Speach, Tuesday Night

    COPENHAGEN, Denmark (Yahoo! News ) - President Bush said in a Danish TV interview aired Thursday that adhering to the Kyoto treaty on climate change would have "wrecked" the U.S. economy. "Kyoto would have wrecked our economy. I couldn't in good faith have signed Kyoto," Bush told the Danish...
  10. Bramicus

    President Bush Speach, Tuesday Night

    Sorry, I heard it from everyone else in the world first. Except her name is really Hillary Rodham. You heard it here first.
  11. Bramicus

    A pagan nation with pretentious manners

    What then would you say about the Chinese? Would you say that they chose to completely annihilate their own past with the "Cultural Revolution" -- far more than the Japanese did -- and imitate the Soviet Bolsheviks? My own impression is that both the Chinese and Japanese are now trying to move...