Recent content by Carth

  1. Carth

    Legal help

    I know it must be tough on you...especially considering your in a foreign country with your family quite a distance. I am faitful you'll find something in good time.
  2. Carth

    How tolerant are you ?

    I don't mind people who are heavy drinkers, granted that they don't make noise every single night of the week. Which has been the case for the past two weeks; once school begins and I need to begin my study time --it better stop.
  3. Carth

    Mmm...I love watching Ann Coulter and Tucker Carlson getting pwn3d.

    Ann Coulter is a perfect exemplification of what modern commentary has blossomed into. Her claims on Canada were ignorant and very childish, America cannot think they are the world, no matter what circumstance and start eliminating any allies, trading partners, etc., it is foolish and that...
  4. Carth

    Teens fail to see the consequences of their actions

    Why does it not surprise me, that the cognitive motion of a teen's mind is different than that of an adult. The funny thing for me is, when I was a teenager I wasn't outta control, didn't do drugs or have pre-martial sex. Yet, all the ones I know, are absolutely horrible. I think, alot of it...
  5. Carth

    Religion In what God(s) do you believe ?

    I believe in a God that created the universe, I just think different cultures go about worshipping and refering name-wise, a same God of many names. I also have a hypothesis that science (In particular physics) are not just principles for which we as humans can graps a better understanding of...
  6. Carth

    multiculturalism good or bad??

    I support multicultarism because with it we can get a better understanding of how each and every single one of us are uniquely different. My eyes can see a rising problem with too much westernization. In particular in India and Afghanistan, where maybe in ten years when those nations become...
  7. Carth

    antimatter guns

    I like the idea, especially this newfound energy source could open the exploration to find other avenues of energy. Too bad though, that if each shot fired were to cost a set of a trillion dollars, that would place the U.S. in an even greater financial deficit. But that was certainly an...