Recent content by larry_s

  1. larry_s

    Korean patriotism

    What a shame... :eek:
  2. larry_s

    Northern Ireland

    Mr. Haider certainly has acquired some "fame" during the past few years. Didn't he visit his friend Saddam Hussein recently? Rightist tendencies...? Well, the pendulum swings to both sides.
  3. larry_s

    Northern Ireland

    I hope so too, Debs! It's the people that make the difference, not the MPs.
  4. larry_s

    Sex & Gender Are men and woman equal

    Apart from physical abilities men and women are equal. Equal in their rights, equal in their duties. at home and at work Well, at least they should be treated as equal. Even in the so-called First World, equal rights have unfortunately not been achieved yet, still a long way to go. Paying...