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  1. HiveMindTerror

    23andMe Share your 23andMe Ancestry Composition

    a black balkan samurai :cool-v:
  2. HiveMindTerror

    23andMe Share your 23andMe Ancestry Composition

    Mine updated, it used to be around 60% Balkan and 30% Eastern European. Now I'm much more Balkan, and related to Greeks? Uh, also... slightly related to Sudanese and Japanese... So does this mean I'm part Greek? I am a bit more southern shifted than typical Croats or Bosnians, according to...
  3. HiveMindTerror

    Are Modern Greeks related to Ancient Greeks?

    So firstly I have to say I believe they are. I'm only asking this because lately I've seen so many people saying that ancient Greeks were white with typically brunette, blonde and red hair, and that the swarthy/tan Mediterranean look of modern Greeks is from centuries of intermixing with Turks...
  4. HiveMindTerror

    Which People, Apart from Slavs, Played the Greatest Role in Yugoslav Ethnogenesis?

    I've been reading The Illyrians by John Wilkes. It's immensely interesting and enlightening on these vaguely known people. Some of the things that caught my attention were passages of how Celts settled and endured in Pannonia. How the Greeks dominated and colonized islands off the Croatian...
  5. HiveMindTerror


    To be honest that's how most of it feels
  6. HiveMindTerror


    Yes I do have matches to the Szolad Romans
  7. HiveMindTerror


    That's incredible. It's also very amazing to me because on almost all my autosomal tests It shows me very closely related to Romanians and Moldovans. As I mentioned my k36 for example. They're some of my highest matches , whereas Greeks and Albanians are much more distant to me.
  8. HiveMindTerror


    That's insane, and I think makes much more sense. I mean a Croatian from Bosnia having heavy steppe ancestry sounds odd, but Dacian and Thracian doesn't seem as far-fetched. I never thought of a possible connection with those two people groups, living in the region that was once Illyria most of...
  9. HiveMindTerror


    My results updated and I finally have some close matches, but I have some questions. I'm ethnic Croat, yet I have the most in common with "Romans". By Romans does it mean Romanized Illyrians/Pannonians/whatever. Because I definitely have no Italian in me, judging by results from every test I've...
  10. HiveMindTerror

    Haplogroup I resulted in the Great Height of South Slavs

    Found this interesting article: Summed up it says how certain hunter gatherers would have eaten meat from large prey animals, rich in protein etc, and grown to great size, and have stayed as such for long enough that it...
  11. HiveMindTerror

    Best Autosomal Genetics Test?

    What test would you consider the best for seeing your closest related modern populations? Eurogenes K15, K36? Something else?
  12. HiveMindTerror

    Share your DNA Land Ancestry Composition

    Seems about right wonder where those small samples come from
  13. HiveMindTerror

    MDLP MDLP K16 Modern

    Well so far this feels much more accurate than most other autosomal tests I've taken! Admix Results (sorted): # Population Percent 1 Neolithic 27.46 2 Caucasian 26.38 3 NorthEastEuropean 25.23 4 Steppe 17.53 5 Siberian 1.89 6 Amerindian 1.16 7...
  14. HiveMindTerror


    I don't seem to have any
  15. HiveMindTerror


    Yeah it doesn't make much sense to me
  16. HiveMindTerror


    I seem to have a lot of ancestry from the steppes
  17. HiveMindTerror


    My results: continued
  18. HiveMindTerror

    Balkans and Neolithic Farmers

    Hello everyone, I've recently been watching some guys historical videos on YouTube. He claims haplogroups aren't a good way to determine a persons/peoples actual ancestry/heritage and that one must use autosomal genetics. I never knew this beforehand. Anyways, he seems to possess a lot of...
  19. HiveMindTerror

    Haplogroup I in the Mesolithic

    So most of my interest in haplogroups came from recorded history, the Slavs etc. Lately I've been reading into its further origins. According to Eupedia, I2 was the most common haplogroup in Europe up to the end of the Mesolithic? Is this true? I've seen a few sites saying otherwise or mixed...
  20. HiveMindTerror

    Could I2a have been Scythian?

    So not too long ago I got tested on 23 and Me, then later went to Gedmatch and mytrueancestry. Mytrueancestry compares your results to that of samples from bones found in ancient cultures burial sites/archeological sites. I was surprised to find my closest matches were to Scythians and Romans...