Search results

  1. Keegah

    Permanent Settlement in Mesolithic Britain

    Strange. I'd always read that the advantage bestowed on the Indo-Europeans by their agricultural and thus more technologically advanced lifestyle was one of the main reasons they were able to subjugate the "original" Europeans so easily. If the indigenous Europeans - or at least the Britons -...
  2. Keegah

    What your coffee order says about you

    Guess I'm the only one here who drinks my coffee black. I've just grown to like the taste of strong coffee. Don't really consider myself to be resistant to change though.
  3. Keegah

    Quebec: Feels so good to have French as the official language

    I'm curious how anyone can objectively say that one language is superior to another.
  4. Keegah

    english idioms

    Surprised no one's said "Cold as a witch's tit" yet.
  5. Keegah

    With what ancient ethnicity do you most identify, and what has DNA told you ?

    Well, that's the other thing. It's something of an interesting paradox in America, and has been since the birth of this country. Even though there has been a strong anti-English sentiment in America until fairly recently, that doesn't change the fact that for the vast majority of our history we...
  6. Keegah

    With what ancient ethnicity do you most identify, and what has DNA told you ?

    Personally, I think this is because English culture is so well-represented in America, American culture being derived from it, but everything else is not. Even though there are almost as many, if not more, Irish-Americans and German-Americans in America as there are people of English descent...
  7. Keegah

    Genghis Khan was part Turk , ancient Turks were white with red hair and green eyes .

    Could I get some concrete, irrefutable evidence for this here historical fact bud?
  8. Keegah

    DNA has possibly found Europeans long lost brothers

    I'm not getting involved in this asinine discussion. I only ask this. Don't identify Americans with this Fire Haired guy. If non-Americans want an idea of what the modern American scholar is like, look to Sparkey. He is a good example.
  9. Keegah

    The Picts

    From what I've read most good scholarship has concluded the exact opposite. Why do you think that the Picts were not Celts?
  10. Keegah

    The Picts

    No problem, I figured that's what happened. I can be the same way. There's this guy called Dublin that likes to insist that Irish is actually a Slavic language. I confess that I've learned to either stop reading his posts or to just skim over them. Anyway, I think that the Irish must have used...
  11. Keegah

    Smart ancient people

    Not too friendly of a person, are you LeBrok. I was just curious because the author of that book puts forth an argument similar to the one you made, that the historical success of European nations in subjugating the indigenous populations of other continents, like Africa or North America, was...
  12. Keegah

    The Picts

    Wow. Bro, you didn't read what I posted at all.
  13. Keegah

    Smart ancient people

    Ever read Guns, Germs and Steel?
  14. Keegah

    How do you spend Christmas ?

    Family. I usually try to be home for at least the week leading up to Christmas.
  15. Keegah

    The Picts

    I don't think that there was ever any debate as to whether the Picts were Gaels. They were not. If they were, why would Columba have needed an interpreter for his mission to Scotland? The question was whether the Picts were Celtic at all. More specifically, the question was why popular culture...
  16. Keegah

    Surname origin.

    Googling the surname seems to indicate that it's French, derived from a town in the North of the country.
  17. Keegah

    Tell us about your family's ethnic background.

    My father's background is Irish, Ulster Scottish, German, English, Highland Scottish, Welsh, and possibly Jewish. My mother's background is similar. She has English, German, Welsh and Irish (or Ulster Scottish?). My father's father's side is almost all Irish, with Highland Scottish emigrants...
  18. Keegah

    Were the Irish pure R1b before the Viking and British invasions ?

    Very interested in what others, particularly those knowledgable about Irish history, have to say about this. My current geneaology efforts - concerning my father's line anyway - hinge on whether we are of Ulster Scot heritage or native Irish heritage. My surname is Lowland Scottish and Northern...
  19. Keegah

    Were the Irish pure R1b before the Viking and British invasions ?

    Hey Sparkey, could you give me a link to these recent discoveries suggesting that I2a1b2 only arrived in Ireland 6,000 YBP at the earliest? I was under the impression that we were most likely the original post-LGM settlers of the British Isles. I know that it doesn't really matter one way or...
  20. Keegah

    Immigration Study shows that 31,5% of newborns in France in 2010 have non-european parents...

    Notice that I didn't mention abortion - I think that whether or not it should be legal is a legitimate question, stemming from the question of whether or not a fetus can be considered alive. Regardless, my problem isn't the policies that fundamentalist Christians in America push for (though I...