I am the hardest-core anti-racialist possible, I shall state before hand. I simply am interested in things, no matter if "unsettling" or "incorrect"...
SO: What has modern genetic science revealed about the anthropogenetic appearance of what we know as "Caucasoid" Homo Sapiens (S. S.?)...
My heritage is so "colorful", I know not what I am - I also have hints of a magisterial Judaic lineament in my family history... Something about an "exilarch"... I don't know... Then the Norman blood is the only one I know fully confidently (i.e. "North-man" -> Norseman -> Viking...
The "Ethno-paleontology" and "Civilizational" Meaning of Y-DNA G2 in European Context
Hello fellow genetics "hobbyists" :)
Let us pretend I am cognitively retrograde and please have patience with me here...
Okay: first, here is the hard data from a reliable genetic testing company: I am...
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