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  1. SuperStalin

    Thread: E-V13 Frequency Maps and Data

    I'm E-V13 from Serbia, but my ancestry is from Montenegro. The most numerous clan in Montenegro are Vasojević, and all the people who had tested have the same E-V13 subclade as I do. Also,nother clan called Kuči carries the same haplogroup, but a subclade that's some 60 generations away. The...
  2. SuperStalin

    How did the ancient Romans turn into Italians ?

    I think this is just a comparison between roman and italian stereotypes given to us by movies, literature, culture... but not necessarily realistic. People who killed their relatives were mostly the high ranking politicians and power-people, you know, the kind that get books, and novels and...
  3. SuperStalin

    Which still existing nations were able to dominate of European Battle-fields?

    Weirdly enough I came to this thread to say "Hungarians".
  4. SuperStalin

    Proto-Indo-Europeans were the Highlanders, who lived near the sea.

    The area of Caucasus, or the Caspian and Aral sea seems most logical for earliest origins.
  5. SuperStalin

    New distribution map of Y-DNA haplogroup E-V13

    There's a small ammount of E-V13 everywhere in Europe. With some other haplogroups, they're completely absent here or there, but E-V13 is quite common in most of Europe. As E-V13 probably originated somewhere in Thessaly, they could have spread agriculture to paleolithic Europeans ( including in...
  6. SuperStalin

    The spread of R1b

    The steppe has a tendency to delete entire peoples due to migration and warfare. I don't think there was a genocide of R1b, it's just that they were pushed towards Europe and the Caucasus by some other force. It's not easy to stay in one place in the steppe, while the nearest mountains and...
  7. SuperStalin

    Intelligence What characterises people with high IQ's ?

    As I said, nothing too scientific, just for fun sake.
  8. SuperStalin

    Intelligence What characterises people with high IQ's ?

    Maybe we could make a database of people who visit here, have their hg's tested, and are Mensa members. I'm a member. I don't care much about IQ, but it could be interesting to know. Paternally I'm E1b-V13 ( father from Montenegro ), and I haven't tested my mtDNA, but my mother is probably H...
  9. SuperStalin

    Intelligence What characterises people with high IQ's ?

    So, what's the most common haplogroup among MENSA members ?
  10. SuperStalin

    Slovenians , west-slavic, south-slavic or celtic

    currently out of context.
  11. SuperStalin

    Slovenians , west-slavic, south-slavic or celtic

    IndoEuropean root *Ser = to bind, but together + martyja *mortals/humans.... ( men bound together - in a tribe ? )
  12. SuperStalin

    New map of haplogroup Q

    Normans ruled Sicily for a long time during the medieval period.
  13. SuperStalin

    Slovenians , west-slavic, south-slavic or celtic

    I see a lot of confusion here. Know this! 10th century is a whole different world from the 7th century, which is a totally different world from the 5th century. Most people ascribe a modern mentality to these ancient people. They weren't nationalistic, they didn't fight to preserve their...
  14. SuperStalin

    Slovenians , west-slavic, south-slavic or celtic

    Very interesting about the Kurdish word for Serbs! I think both groups names stem from the same old IE / Iranian root, despite these two peoples being at love and war in the last ~70 years, they come from the same source, possibly an Iranian horsemen elite which got assimilated into Slavs.
  15. SuperStalin

    New map of haplogroup Q

    Huns were a tribal confederacy of many tribes, including (maybe) a turkic elite, but also germanic, alan, and possibly slavic allies. Mind you, the Hephtalites were also called "Huns", and they refered to themselves as Huns, but were totally an IE people. Their empire lasted a short time, and...
  16. SuperStalin

    Slovenians , west-slavic, south-slavic or celtic

    Scythian just means "archer"... it's a word based on the same IE root as the word "Shooter". Sarmatians were an Iranic-speaking people. The letter "S" in those languages tends to transform into "H", so, these people could have also been called Hauromatae ( Hrvati, Croats ) or Saurovatae (...
  17. SuperStalin

    Migration routes of E and other haplogroups...

    My theory is that E originally appeared in the area roughly of today's Iranian plateau, and then moved back into Africa in two major waves ( during the mesolithic as E1a, and later, during the neolithic as E1b ). 75.000 years ago DE arrived into what's today known as Pakistan ( roughly )...