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  1. den4

    Eugenics is a Flawed Pseudo-Science

    Was kind of curious about the recent trend (at least in the US) where fish are said to contain mercury (that is pretty bad for the brain) and wonder if there are any independent studies that can actually show how much the variety of levels of mercury (if any) are contained in the various species...
  2. den4

    Favourite quotations

    my favourite quote came from Alan Arkin, when he played Inspector Clouseau, saying to one of the villains in the movie, "There is a time to be serious and a time not to be serious and this is not one of them..." This seems to be the way life in America appears to have fallen down towards in...
  3. den4

    What is the Oldest Business in the World...

    the only Morticia I know is the wife of Gomez taken from a guy named Addams....haven't seen any strange Euro movie about perfume drinking however :o doesn't answer the question, but den4 is not in a settled mental state at this moment...if den4 ever was :?
  4. den4

    Debate How big do you think is the Universe?

    what happens if duff doesn't see the question? :o :?
  5. den4

    Debate How big do you think is the Universe?

    what happens when it does exist? :?
  6. den4

    What is the Oldest Business in the World...

    I would say the ones that took care of the dead, whether they be priests or shamans or whatever. Might not be considered as a business as such, but I'm sure they were given offerings or "donations" even back in whatever age such rituals or policies were made...but since it wasn't a choice, I'm...
  7. den4

    The Opinion Game

    wired... so is this game really serious or unserious? :? useless or unuseless? :?
  8. den4

    Sweet revenge

    I wonder if the guy ever got married... :? With antics like that, chances are that nobody within that congregation would want to touch him, either, knowing his methods :o
  9. den4

    The Opinion Game

    physical activity if the good chat is not available... alternatively good chat if physical activity is merely drudgery and work that is boring. Flying Spaghetti Monster or Monster Flying Spaghetti?
  10. den4

    Debate How big do you think is the Universe?

    Did Master Lee actually say be like Running Water? Which tribe of Native Americans is Running Water from :? We need to find this Running Water to see what Master Lee saw in him or her. Perhaps Flow with the Wind or Free as the Wind may be the buddies of Running Water. Maybe that's why I never...
  11. den4

    Debate How big do you think is the Universe?

    :( all them -sama suffixes going to waste on a den4 :( the great sadness of the matter how big the universe is, there is no greater crime than a -sama wasted... :D
  12. den4

    Debate How big do you think is the Universe?

    you should reserve the sama for people like Frank or others who know what they are talking about... :D
  13. den4

    Katrina & New Orleans

    what is up with them idiot snipers targeting the hospital and the other idiots in the convention center? The last thing disaster relief needs are idiots with guns playing target practice on civilians :(
  14. den4

    book suggestions on Russian/USSR war crimes/atrocities, please

    I will try to contact my Russian friend and ask to see if any comes to mind....he's more into music than war crimes, tho....but we will see....maybe :?
  15. den4


    methinks each group has its own agenda, even if they claim they do not. comparisons are a human trait, and it will always happen for good or ill. some aspects of the Holocaust can be over publicized, but then humans, as Merlin says, in the movie "Excalibur," are doomed to forget, so chances are...
  16. den4

    Debate How big do you think is the Universe?

    seems like singularity has many meanings...I chose the one previously mentioned. so being a singularity, it can have its problems.... GAP is a department store now found in the Marui buildings in some areas...and since what is in the GAP are clothing stuff, that is what fills the gaps...
  17. den4


    sometimes people have a hard time distinguishing discrimination from racism... and at other times, people have a hard time discriminating fact from myth... then there are those that are the professional victims that portray themselves as the victims of some past wrong (whether real or imagined)...
  18. den4

    Debate How big do you think is the Universe?

    1. deh4 must be a corrupted carbon copy of den4, so it may not distinguish the differences in the different'll have to ask deh4, since I do not know this entity. 2. came across this definition for singularity...
  19. den4


    not that I'm Jewish, but I did find this link from a friend who is, and it talks about the survivors of one of the worst examples of ethnic cleansing: sad thing is that there are people about nowadays that are still in denial that people can do horrible things to each other...
  20. den4


    although I dislike racism, and I agree with dutch that it has always been there, something else to think about is that "if" it has always been there, then perhaps it is also a "normal" pattern of behavior for humans, although something that is now unacceptable as a social norm. racism nowadays...