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    Humans have new Brain gene that Neanderthals lacked. Bigger Pre-frontal cortex

    Humans have new Brain genes that gives it advantage over Neanderthals. This derived Brain gene, TKTL1, was not present in Neanderthals or Denisovans. It plays an important role in the Pre-Frontal cortex development, a region of the Brain responsible for higher cognition, abstraction, working...
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    Human females and male Neandertals had trouble making babies. Here's why

    BACK TO SCIENCESHOTS SCIENCESHOTSEVOLUTION Modern human females and male Neandertals had trouble making babies. Here's why Findings come from first detailed analysis of Neandertal Y chromosome 7 APR 2016BYANN GIBBONS SEBASTIEN PLAILLY/SCIENCE SOURCE SHARE: Twitter Linked In Facebook Reddit...
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    G25 Tomenable's Basic World K10 - G25 calc

    Actually we have got ancient W. African samples. See the Shum Laka paper. There were ancient Cameroonian aDNA extraction. Seems that West Africans today came somewhere more nothern because the Shum laka are very different from modern Niger-Congo/Bantu Speakers living in the same region. They...
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    The genomic origins of the world?s first farmers (2022)

    Highlights ? European HGs diverged from SW Asian HGs during the LGM ? Low genetic diversity of European HGs is due to a strong LGM demographic bottleneck ? Ancestors of western early farmers emerged after repeated post-LGM admixtures ? EFs strongly diverged from SW Asians during their expansion...