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  1. Valerius


    I do not know for sure based on the current data. My own theoretical interpretation is that e-m123* was mediated to Europe in the Imperial Roman period either directly from the Middle East or from ancient Anatolia - and this happened as part of the so-called “east-med shift” where Hellenized...
  2. Valerius


    I posted this 8 years ago so now I know this haplogroup formed in the Middle East; although the story of its migration to Europe is still complicated. Yfull is giving the TMRCA of 1500 to 1300 BC as time of migration which predates pretty much every historical tribe including Phoenicians.
  3. Valerius


    Saudi Arabia was strangely the only place lacking E-pf4428 in the ME region - seems now that changes if this prediction is correct.
  4. Valerius


    Interesting to see 1st sample from Hungary @kingjohn - there is also one in Eastern Austria.
  5. Valerius

    What were haplogroups of Middle Earth peoples if they real?

    Hobbits - R1b-L21 (Celtic) / G2a (EEF related) Gondor - R1b-U106 / J2a / I1 (seems to be some sort of Germanic/Byzantine mix) Numenor - R1b-Z2103 / R1a-Z93 (PIE) Rohan - R1a-Z93 / some Q1a/c (Steppe-related) Dwarves - J2a / J1 / G2a (Caucaso-Anatolian metal foragers?) Easterlings - E-M34 / E-M84...
  6. Valerius


    Are you tested deeper confirming that you are E-m123* (E-PF4428) or just have the basal E-m123 ?
  7. Valerius


    Yes, autosomally he appears to be assimilated. Per TheYtree his TMRCA is 1950 YPB and this sample if it is from the 7th century AD, then that's like 600 years - more than enough time. Still amazes me that he is not from the EU branch. So allegedly, Italy now has the E-y31991 branch and also the...
  8. Valerius

    my phenotype

    Pontid type it seems, a Mediterranean sub-type found around the Black Sea.
  9. Valerius


    That's a very interesting find! Would YFull accept this file as well? Interestingly, he falls within the Middle-Eastern branch of E-PF4428, not the European. TheYtree gave him TMRCA of 1950 years, which sounds very Imperial Roman.
  10. Valerius

    Planning my first trip to Prague

    Try the nightclub Vzorkovna - it is a nice tourist place.
  11. Valerius


    Thank you for this info KingJohn. Btw, as you said you were interested to see e-m123* from Italy - there is one sample in the E-m35 project but unfortunately it is not a bigY but a STR prediction: 233257 -- BY45422>BY36852>BY45418? No info of which city. E-BY45418 so far has 2 Germans...
  12. Valerius

    Genetic study Ancient DNA of Roman Danubian Frontier and Slavic Migrations (Olalde 2021)

    Kind of wonder about some trolls showing up just to discredit the authenticity of this paper.
  13. Valerius

    Eurogenes East European admixture in Eurogenes K10

    South Asian 0.61 Caucasus 16.78 Southwest Asian 6.86 North Amerindian + Arctic 0.75 Siberian 0.45 Mediterranean 21.78 East Asian - West African - East European 28.49 North Atlantic 24.28
  14. Valerius

    MDLP MDLP K16 Modern

    Kinda similar results with mine: Population Amerindian - Ancestor - Steppe 17.27 Indian - Arctic 0.41 Australian 0.11 Caucasian 29.53 EastAfrican - NorthEastEuropean 21.23 NearEast 2.53 Neolithic 26.83 NorthAfrican 0.93 Oceanic...
  15. Valerius

    LivingDNA Living DNA launching One Family One World Project in cooperation with Eupedia

    If that's correct then their info is quite misleading. Here's the text after you finish your account: Welcome to Living DNA. You now have a lifetime membership where you will be able to view your ancestry breakdown in ever expanding detail...
  16. Valerius

    LivingDNA Living DNA launching One Family One World Project in cooperation with Eupedia

    I took part with my raw data/details but also can't understand what exactly they'll provide after the "Status: Awaiting testing": - Free estimates? - Estimates for cash? - Nothing? Anyone with more info?
  17. Valerius

    GEDMatch HarappaWorld Gedmatch, post and compare your admixtures to ancient and contemporary.

    S-Indian 0.21 Baloch 6.85 Caucasian 22.33 NE-Euro 36.58 SE-Asian - Siberian 0.88 NE-Asian - Papuan 0.82 American 0.90 Beringian - Mediterranean 24.78 SW-Asian 6.65 Pretty normal for the region I believe, still not sure what Caucasus stands for...
  18. Valerius

    MDLP MDLP K16 Modern

    # Population Percent 1 Caucasian 29.53 2 Neolithic 26.83 3 NorthEastEuropean 21.23 4 Steppe 17.27 5 NearEast 2.53 6 Oceanic 1.16 7 NorthAfrican 0.93 8 Arctic 0.41 9 Australian 0.11 Single Population Sharing: # Population...
  19. Valerius

    K36 Tool for K36: your similarities rates on maps

    Not the best coloring skills but anyway; pretty Balkan picture for me.
  20. Valerius

    Geno 2.0 Strange Geno 2.0 results

    Sorry for the late response. Yes, lots of weird stuff are popping out with the Dna researches. But for the Balkans the only real autosomal results are South Europe and East Europe, everything else is a matter of random-like interpretations as I see it. When I wrote the first post I wasn't...