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  1. spruithean

    Covid Covid fact checking

    The majority of vaccines eventually require booster shots (think of the series of vaccines young children receive in regards to diphtheria, tetanus, polio, meningococcal, Hib, etc). SARS-CoV-2 is no different in that regard, however coronaviruses mutate rapidly so what might have worked well...
  2. spruithean

    Covid Covid fact checking

    We do know what is in the vaccines. The side-effects seen by some who have been vaccinated are far more common in those who have been infected with COVID who did not get vaccinated.
  3. spruithean

    Slavs first wrote with Runes?

    Aren’t there examples of Elder Futhark that are much older that have been found in areas much further north?
  4. spruithean

    Wacky news Why are the Dutch so tall?

    It's highly unlikely that the Dutch grew in height because of hormones in milk. The Netherlands (and even Canada) do not add growth hormones to their dairy cattle. It's more likely that the Dutch increase in height is a result of wealth being evenly distributed at a period of time that allowed...
  5. spruithean

    Politics Vote for a president of USA - 2016 election

    Sorry if it came across like I was disagreeing with you, I wasn't. Yeah, one should expect, especially in such a position as president to be under heavy scrutiny for their performance, both good and bad. I think many think it is unfair because the news about Trump over the past 4 years has...
  6. spruithean

    Politics Vote for a president of USA - 2016 election

    Well judging by how the recounts are going it seems it is quite clear that Biden is still favoured, no? I don't think he lost votes for not building the wall (if anything he kept a large number of his voters), it's definitely deeper than that and includes the current administrations handling...
  7. spruithean

    Politics Vote for a president of USA - 2016 election

    Except didn’t more people clearly vote for Biden? It’s not a “counter coup”, it’s an attempt at a coup.
  8. spruithean

    Politics Vote for a president of USA - 2016 election

    The Democrats have a lot of work to do and I forget who had said it before, but they keep making the same mistakes each time around. Perhaps they can figure out how to prevent those mistakes and improve. In regards to the "symbolic indictment", can you really call it that when the GOP sort of...
  9. spruithean

    Health New Coronavirus in China

    Hahaha. On a serious note, neither. Coronaviruses are a group of viruses, some viruses that cause the common cold are coronaviruses. The ones that cause SARS, MERS, and COVID-19 are also coronaviruses. Coronavirus the term by itself in 2019-20 has come to refer to SARS-CoV-2, when it really...
  10. spruithean

    Politics Vote for a president of USA - 2016 election

    There are legitimate medical reasons for such abortions actually, one of the most common reasons cited is a lethal fetal anomaly. Secondly, some life-threatening conditions exist for the mother in many cases that result in an abortion. McConnell (78) is older than Biden (77), but it's okay for...
  11. spruithean

    Politics Vote for a president of USA - 2016 election

    Such a late abortion is quite rare, no?
  12. spruithean

    Politics Vote for a president of USA - 2016 election

    This year could get more insane, the election still has to happen. Not to mention the empowerment that certain fringe groups saw after the debate...
  13. spruithean

    FTDNA My origins 3.0 is very soon

    I think a large amount of people do not like the results because frankly FTDNA did a pretty poor job IMO. You have people with predominately British ancestry getting results saying 0% British or people of Yemeni Arab origin being labeled as “Yemenite Jewish”. Even my own results make no sense...
  14. spruithean

    Politics Vote for a president of USA - 2016 election

    Did the man in the video explicitly state that he was a member of antifa? Was he determined to be as such? Crazy people who deliberately set stuff on fire are not necessarily tied to groups. If he isn't an official member, and there is no information stating he is at this moment, one can't...
  15. spruithean

    Politics Vote for a president of USA - 2016 election

    Pretty sure that Lopez was and is not a member of antifa, this is further corroborated by the Douglas County Sheriff's Office, along with the FBI. You've watched numerous videos, eh? Does this make you more of an expert than intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies?
  16. spruithean

    Politics Vote for a president of USA - 2016 election

    The FBI has literally stated that the fires were not caused by antifa or other such groups, why do you push that nonsense?
  17. spruithean

    Politics Vote for a president of USA - 2016 election

    From who exactly?
  18. spruithean

    Politics Vote for a president of USA - 2016 election

    I don't see how looking at reparations for slavery makes them "idiots". Slavery is a very real aspect of American history, and the events that unfolded after abolition were very real until quite recently (such as segregation). Can you enlighten me as to how the "unfair treatment of...
  19. spruithean

    Politics Vote for a president of USA - 2016 election

    The republicans aren't influenced by special interest groups then?
  20. spruithean

    Health New Coronavirus in China

    I hope so too. But judging by the way people are reacting to the simple act of wearing a mask, I won't be surprised in the slightest if it does last longer than we are ready for.