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  1. last-resort

    Politics Balkanian disagreements.

    A Banana Republic is one in which commercial interests of a foreign power control the country +/-. That is the strict definition. The more broad definition is a country corrupted by foreign influences (money) so that the native/host leadership are under the control of that foreign power at...
  2. last-resort

    Politics Balkanian disagreements.

    Yetos What is another word for/translation of Jukut?
  3. last-resort

    Fun, feel good videos

    Nothing wrong with my tone. Steve Carrel is male. He is Italian on his father's side. Of course it counts. An Italian (great performer) sets the standard for a schnozz..... Oh, he is Italian on both sides. A reference: Fowler, Gene Jr...
  4. last-resort

    Politics Balkanian disagreements.

    The movie is Now to 'the final' That is all. If done the way I suggested, then NATO and others are powerless to stop it. It just takes smart people who are not GREEDY. If greed gets in the way (examples, Albania wants all of Kosevo, or Bulgaria wants all of FYROM), then it falls to pieces -...
  5. last-resort

    Politics Balkanian disagreements.

    Just spit-balling here. Big Serbia would be current Serbia plus a partitioned Bosnia (with Croatia) and a partitioned Kosevo (with Albania), and perhaps Montenegro (also partitioned, small slice, with Croatia). Bulgaria and Albania will divide up FYROM. So far, if I am correct I have Big...
  6. last-resort

    Politics Balkanian disagreements.

    Yetos Trying to parse your cryptic line of thought. Via internet resources, "Aimos peninsula" = Balkans. "Amber Fox" refers to a 2001 eponymous NATO operation to separate Albanian minority from the Slavic majority in FYROM. Presumably "Amber Fox 2" is some NATO involvement in FYROM. But, I...
  7. last-resort

    Politics Balkanian disagreements.

    After many months I somehow got drawn back into this via an email, so I decided to respond to the above. Laberia, you did not act on my invitation. I wanted you to extol the Albanian virtues that Greeks in their stupidity have overlooked. So, here I will be explicit in what can clear the air...
  8. last-resort

    Politics French elections

    The same criteria was NOT applied to US immigrants. Setting aside immigrants before the US was formed, there were very different policies in place at various times in its history. After WW1, there was a severe limitation on southern and eastern European immigrants, for example. Your larger...
  9. last-resort

    Politics Balkanian disagreements.

    I've figured it out! Before I give you my revelation, I'll ask you why you are obsessed about an ethnic group not your own? It is a rhetorical question. If the ancient Greeks no longer exist, what is that to 'Albanians'? It is 'Albanians' in quotes for a reason. Here's my revelation: You...
  10. last-resort

    Politics Balkanian disagreements.

    BEFORE I began looking up music videos for Greek music, the only 'Albanians' I knew of were John Belushi and his brother, Jim Belushi, both US comedians, and Orthodox Christians. AFTER I began looking up music videos for Greek music, the only 'Albanians' I WANT to know...
  11. last-resort

    Politics Balkanian disagreements.

    I give Angela HIGH PRAISE for posting the Pelop article. It has a personal connection to me (maternal side), but beyond that, it is clearly germane to this website, and is useful for anyone wanting to be knowledgeable about that region, and broader. If there is criticism of Angela, it is she...
  12. last-resort

    Politics What is the best type of government?

    For the US: What MAY happen, if there continues to be some investment in the lower income areas/people, and unlawful discrimination is tamed, the society will be largely a meritocracy. There will be achievers who are HAVES, and the others who are the HAVE NOTS. There won't be much of a middle...
  13. last-resort

    Society Europe is racist

    Earlier I had noted the importance of DIFFERENCE is making humanity/human society what it is today. It follows that there is value in preserving differences. This is not meant to be racist, but it can be interpreted as such. Europe it seems to me needs people as labor - both upper end and low...
  14. last-resort

    Society Europe is racist

    No It is here now. On Bill Maher's US HBO cable show, Real Time with Bill Maher, one guest said that 1 in 5 while males are unemployed in the US. Even if she meant underemployed & unemployed, the statistic is astounding. Trump's election is the sentinel event that marks the change of...
  15. last-resort

    Society Europe is racist

    First they automated the production line, and I did not provide them aid - Because I was not on the production line. Then they automated retail, and design work, and so forth, and I did not provide them aid - Because I was not a retail worker nor a designer. Then they automated work formerly...
  16. last-resort

    Society Europe is racist

    This is from #21. LeBrok is the first to use tribal(ism). I've read the 5 pages so far - a few others used it. Tribalism is what underlies most of the what is discussed here. It is very basic to our humanity. How could it not be in that it was through identifying with bands and clans and...
  17. last-resort

    Society Europe is racist

    from #55 if geography wasn't an issue, then where would the differences develop? There would be far less diversity, fewer cultures, in short, blandness. We would be far more vulnerable to disease, crop failures due to pests and disease, crazy politics (as crazy as that sounds) - more...
  18. last-resort

    Politics Vote for a president of USA - 2016 election

    This from #1275 I'll start by saying that this Thread is well overdue to be stopped, or perhaps split in two with the pre-inauguration comments section closed and the remaining kept open under "America under Trump" - or the like. Minty, I'll repeat what I said earlier I don't know why you...
  19. last-resort

    Politics Vote for a president of USA - 2016 election

    The average for a first world country wouldn't be anything to aspire especially given the range. Canada has waiting lists for more involved procedures which is not attractive. But, US health care expenditure is high. A few reasons it is high. Note that all these have a history and background...
  20. last-resort

    Politics Vote for a president of USA - 2016 election

    This is from #1273. That is a year old media article. Why bring this up now? I'll address the issue more fully by replying to your last post. I am unaware of "scandals and corruptions associated with Obama Care". Nothing of note. if there were the Red (Republican) media would be all over...