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  1. Dalmat

    Economy Why building with stone is more sustainable and long lasting than concrete

    yeah, but building with stone is much harder and slower process, guy in video forgets to mention that churches from stone were build over a long time, sometimes it took more then century I think bricks is happy medium, however, just like stone, its pretty no-go for big and high buildings...
  2. Dalmat

    G25 Improved IllustrativeDNA-like HG & Farmer ancestry (For Europeans)

    52.0Anatolian_Neolithic_Farmer 40.0European_Hunter-Gatherer 8.0Caucasus_Hunter-Gatherer
  3. Dalmat

    Europe Hair Color Calculator

    Target: d Distance: 0.7202% / 0.00720207 35.0 Brown_Hair 27.8 Blonde_Hair 21.4 Dark_Light_Hair 15.8 Light_Blonde_Hair Distance to: d 0.01194760 Brown_Hair 0.03185161 Strawberry_Blonde_Hair 0.04052318 Auburn_Hair 0.05387850 Light_Blonde_Hair 0.05607977 Red_Hair...
  4. Dalmat

    Question Inbreeding and DNA results

    I think its how you create bottlenecks, and drift in terms of genetics looking from present. Because intermixing create neighbour populations that are close to each other, and with inbreeding you isolate. Island populations often show this
  5. Dalmat

    Question Are Humans Who Incorporate AI into Their Lives "Proto-Cyborgs"?

    Its not just use of tools, but use of knowledge stored in machine, its a big part of being a cyborg, yeah there is a part where you have gunarm or some shit like that, but everything else is pretty much we get from smartphone, the only difference is that its not implanted, but functionally we...
  6. Dalmat

    MyTrueAncestry MyTrueAncestry - closest modern countries to ancient ethnicities

    1. *Scythian (3.746) 2. *White Croat (3.746) 3. Scythian + White Croat (3.746) 4. Ostrogoth + White Croat (5.097) 5. Gepid + Kievan Rus (5.565) 6. Ostrogoth + Kievan Rus (6.351) 7. Scythian + Kievan Rus (7.048) 8. White Croat (7.499) 9. Scythian (7.508) 10. Ostrogoth (12.14) 11. Kievan Rus...
  7. Dalmat

    MyHeritage vs (Recent Update)

    I didnt get update yet, however what i found is that I got around 30% NW european, and then when I looked at the relatives there, its was mostly my cousins that were expats there, some who had mixed with locals that I personally know. :D That was suspicious for me, but the balkan part was spot on
  8. Dalmat

    Question Are Humans Who Incorporate AI into Their Lives "Proto-Cyborgs"?

    most modern humans are proto cyborgs already, in theory cyborg is a man functioning with a help of machine, and that machine is smartphone. You have navigation, access to most data trough internet on your fingertip, thats basically cyborg, only difference we wear it as accessory not implanting...
  9. Dalmat

    Were I2a Slavs part of the same tribe?

    They made standardisation of existing language for liturgical purposes, ie so the bible could be written. Its artificial in a sense it was first codified and standardised language(as all standardised languages are fake, as people speak in varius dialects naturally), but all Slavic languages...
  10. Dalmat

    Were I2a Slavs part of the same tribe?

    All Slavic languages descend from Old Church Slavonic which was coined in Balkans, from where it spread north trough christianization.
  11. Dalmat

    G25 G25 Big Bronze Age and Iron Age List

    Distance to: d_g25_scaled 0.02739438 Croatia_MLBA:I18721 0.03112916 Slovakia_IA_Vekerzug:I12107 0.03276864 Slovakia_IA_Vekerzug:I5288 0.03472661 Croatia_EIA:I5727 0.03554833 Croatia_MLBA:I18723 0.03832491 Czech_IA_Hallstatt:I16088 0.03947474 Hungary_EIA_Prescythian_Mezocsat:I18211...
  12. Dalmat

    Red Hair very common in Eastern European?

    It should have 10 times more since those countries have 10% celt- germanic admix at best. So its not celto-germanic, but its more prevalent in Ireland probably because at one point in the past was considered more attractive. Anyways, Slovenians are light, and have all kinds of light hair...
  13. Dalmat

    Nature Belgium becomes first in EU to recognise ecocide as international crime

    The way you wrote it now makes more sense tho, thats their domestic problem. OP sounds hypocritical, if other countries are able to preserve ecology and already have similar laws active, one of worst offenders should keep their mouth shut, and work on themselves
  14. Dalmat

    Nature Belgium becomes first in EU to recognise ecocide as international crime

    nice move, anyways how much forest is left in Belgium, because looking at this map, the deed is done, not much forest left The law is basically irrelevant, its mostly showing off, right?
  15. Dalmat

    Red Hair very common in Eastern European?

    France is celto-germanic right? How much red hair french people have?
  16. Dalmat

    World 6th Century BC by Tomenable (Piotr Kapuscinski)

    Distance to: d-g25_scaled 0.02869615 Iazyges 0.03587911 Ostrogoths 0.03775044 Pannonian_Celts 0.03946540 Eastern_Celts 0.04396750 Boii 0.04427461 Western_Scythians 0.04856142 Marcomanni 0.05016076 Norici 0.05054496 Northern_Belgae 0.05074878 Cisalpine_Gauls 0.05356639...
  17. Dalmat

    Race and Haplogroups

    My guess is that autosomal is better predictor of looks, because it measures relation, and more relation people have more similar they are. Like obviously your brother will be most similar to you
  18. Dalmat

    G25 Bell Beaker / Corded Ware / EEF ... G25 Scaled Calculator

    Distance: 2.4458% / 0.02445781 60.6 Corded_Ware 26.4 Eastern_EEF 11.8 Anatolia_BA 1.2 Kura-Araxes Distance to: 0.05176969 Bell_Beaker 0.09613129 Corded_Ware 0.15952189 Eastern_EEF:1 0.16439120 Eastern_EEF:2 0.16682634 Western_EEF:2 0.17184717 Western_EEF:1...
  19. Dalmat

    G25 Ancient Balkan IA G25 Calculator

    Distance: 1.4226% / 0.01422593 46.0 Western&CentralBalkansIA 44.6 Slavic 9.4 AnatolianIA Distance to: 0.03472661 Western&CentralBalkansIA:Croatia_EIA:I5727 0.05928000 Western&CentralBalkansIACroatia_EIA:I5725 0.06023808...