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  1. Salento

    Questions on my Y-DNA Haplogroup T

    That’s not F1R, It’s I3685, a new Pompeii sample. I Posted the new Pompeii Reich-Lab based coordinates last week, … this coordinates are from
  2. Salento

    Questions on my Y-DNA Haplogroup T

    Austria_Vienna_Avar:MGS154_y-T-L208_DodK12b,0,0,3.39,0,17.72,37.24,5.28,0,8.42,0,26.41,1.55 Austria_Vienna_Avar:MGS122_y-T-CTS8603_mt-U5a1b1c_DodK12b,9.48,0,3.20,0,34.71,27.93,0,0,2.54,0.57,21.34,0.23...
  3. Salento

    Ancient DNA challenges prevailing interpretations of the Pompeii plaster casts

    That’s interesting, the closest match for I3691 (Pompeii) is Pompeii f1R.
  4. Salento

    Ancient DNA challenges prevailing interpretations of the Pompeii plaster casts

    From Reich Lab - Pilli et al. Current Biology 2024 Dodecad K12b (1240K) I3682_Ind25:I3682_cov-4.87%,0.76,0,0.68,3.80,37.36,10.28,0,0,13.99,0,32.87,0.27 I3685_Ind52:I3685_cov-30.79%,8.09,0,5.92,0,11.01,0,0,2.34,33.19,0.93,38.52,0...
  5. Salento

    Genetic study The Picenes and the Genetic Landscape of Central Adriatic Italy in the Iron Age.

    I guess ... to convert a 1240K dataset to HO format using PLINK: plink --bfile v62.0_HO_public --write-snplist --out v620_HO plink --bfile Piceni_1240K --extract v620_HO.snplist --make-bed --out Piceni_HO The first command generates a list of SNPs from the v62.0_HO_public dataset, and the...
  6. Salento

    Genetic study The Picenes and the Genetic Landscape of Central Adriatic Italy in the Iron Age.

    The majority of the files are small, ... posting 37 samples out of 102. Dod K12b - 1240K : IA_Etruscan:EV7A_cov-21.13%,0,0.08,4.28,0,48.37,24.43,3.05,0,7.75,1.83,9.02,1.18 IA_Etruscan:EV16D1_cov-9.96%,0,0,4.73,0,51.2,17.62,2.45,0,4.85,0,16.78,2.36...
  7. Salento

    Genetic study The Picenes and the Genetic Landscape of Central Adriatic Italy in the Iron Age.

    The Piceni samples are available on the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) under the project accession PRJEB77116 The Genomic portrait of the Picene culture: new insights into the Italic Iron Age and the legacy of the Roman Empire in Central Italy.
  8. Salento

    Questions on my Y-DNA Haplogroup T

    Maybe that's the reason why the wiki link below had the Karsdford samples as R1b ... Now they're T again.
  9. Salento

    Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS

    Last Thursday night in Connecticut, a rare Red Aurora Boreale, … my picture:
  10. Salento

    History Columbus was a Sephardic Jew from Western Mediterranean, study finds

    Columbus Day was established as a gift to the Italian American community after terrible things happened. The Italian government sent ships to bring people back to Italy. That is all I am going to say about that.
  11. Salento

    What music are you listening to?

    Gaia - Menamenamó (Hurry-up)
  12. Salento

    What music are you listening to?

    Angelina Mango - Su Piccinna (Cult of Bacchus / Dionysus … I Think) … in Salentino
  13. Salento

    Multi-proxy bioarchaeological analysis of skeletal remains shows genetic discontinuity in a Medieval Sicilian community

    ... adding Segesta Isl SGBN6 and SGBN7 : SGBN6_IsL_Dod_K12b,9.17,0,5.03,0,25.71,9.85,1.04,3.71,12.96,0.21,29.66,2.66 SGBN7_IsL_Dod_K12b,6.67,0.43,13.09,0.24,24.51,6.38,1.26,2.13,14.64,0,24.25,6.40
  14. Salento

    Multi-proxy bioarchaeological analysis of skeletal remains shows genetic discontinuity in a Medieval Sicilian community

    Some more IsL... ChR... Dod_K12b SGBN1_IsL_Dod_K12b,5.44,0,5.94,0,27.16,13.04,1.48,3.80,10.86,1.40,29.02,1.85 SGBN4_IsL_Dod_K12b,2.57,0,11.00,1.23,26.49,8.70,0.40,5.06,17.10,0,27.07,0.38 SGBN10_ChR_Dod_K12b,4.54,0,1.47,2.67,24.82,22.89,0.85,1.85,10.51,0,28.27,2.12...
  15. Salento

    Multi-proxy bioarchaeological analysis of skeletal remains shows genetic discontinuity in a Medieval Sicilian community

    SGBN1_Dod_K12b,5.44,0,5.94,0,27.16,13.04,1.48,3.80,10.86,1.40,29.02,1.85 SGBN12_Dod_K12b,9.12,0.33,4.29,0,27.46,17.68,0,2.01,9.30,0,28.98,0.84 SGBN17_Dod_K12b,6.67,0,2.66,0.74,24.86,17.96,0.93,0,13.01,0,30.17,3.01 SGBN18_Dod_K12b,5.23,0,5.39,0,36.93,23.25,0,0.05,3.01,3.94,21.21,1.00...
  16. Salento

    adnaxp: Hair, skin, eye color for ancient samples (AADR-based)

    I noticed that most aadr samples are kind of haploid, if you convert the aadr samples to 23andme, you’ll see that the alleles in the majority of the samples are just: AA CC GG TT. We’re diploid, a pair of combination of A C G T : AA AC CT AG …….
  17. Salento

    Multi-proxy bioarchaeological analysis of skeletal remains shows genetic discontinuity in a Medieval Sicilian community

    @PT … Just in case, the text file for the Dod K12b Modern updated ( and more) is here: ... unzip and look for: Dodecad K12b updated spreadsheet.txt
  18. Salento

    Multi-proxy bioarchaeological analysis of skeletal remains shows genetic discontinuity in a Medieval Sicilian community

    Here are the coordinates for SGBN17 - SGBN18 - SGBN19 - I'll try to get some more samples - the files are very big and require a lot of processing power. SGBN17_Dod_K12b,6.67,0,2.66,0.74,24.86,17.96,0.93,0,13.01,0,30.17,3.01...
  19. Salento

    Multi-proxy bioarchaeological analysis of skeletal remains shows genetic discontinuity in a Medieval Sicilian community

    I think they're here: They're SRA (fastq) and many of them are huge, ... It takes time, and I'm not sure if my machine can handle them all, but I'll give it a shot :)...
  20. Salento

    Questions on my Y-DNA Haplogroup T

    My map is from Gamma-1.1-F T-BY143483….. T Project. NW Italy pointer in my map is labeled as T-Y79536, S Italy pointer is me.