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    Sushi in 50% of the cases not fresh !

    I only ever tried avocado sushi :D so I guess I'm safe. Seriously, I think a country has the right and obligation to make and enforce public health regulations. Although on the same note, how about raw stakes? was the beef frozen at some point? I'm pretty sure it also has a potential for parasites.
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    Religion The USA, religious yes, but more Christian or Jewish ?

    Our national identity, as Jews and Israelis is certainly complex and not everyone agrees on it. Judaism is both a religion and a nationality. Most people here will agree on the following - You can't be of a different religion if you define yourself as Jewish. You can be secular (and most are)...
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    Whose humour do you like?

    :-) funny that one :D I should use it on my fish sites. I don't have a very distinct preference. I guess I just enjoy "good" humor ;)
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    Religion The USA, religious yes, but more Christian or Jewish ?

    Well, I'm Jewish and I too am amazed sometimes at how religious Americans are. Most of the Jews in Israel are totally secular with a high percentage of atheists. Thing is to be Jewish doesn't necessary mean any form of belief in the old testament. I think that this was not the main point of...