Search results

  1. G

    What is your y-haplogroup?

    Hello, You have actually 2 matches from Poland (They share a common ancestor 200 years back) : , in addition to what you told, you should also explore the Jewish hypothesis, maybe a far male line Jewish ancestor far back in the past, if...
  2. G

    Famous E1b1b members

    Any kinship with David Bowie? :
  3. G

    V13* or CTS5856*

    You should read this Eupedia page about E-V13:
  4. G

    Famous E1b1b members

    Was Franz KAFKA E-M81 carrier?
  5. G

    R1a-Z280-YP270 - Algerian Jew - ???

    R-Y13891 have a TMRCA = 2300 years, maybe a far Vandal heritage from Iberia or North Africa? The Great Migrations into the Western Roman Empire...Barbarian Invasions from 395AD
  6. G

    Who were Vandals?
  7. G

    Who were Vandals?

    The Vandals, Alans and SuevesSizeable numbers of all three of these groups were displaced by the Huns, and travelled down the North Bank of the Danube to escape them. After battling with the Franks, who controlled the northern Rhine regions, they were able to walk across the river Rhine when it...
  8. G

    Who were Vandals?

    Vandals were from Baltic region of Germany and Poland,you should expect that they were mostly R1b with some others lineages : R1a,I2,G-L140,E-V13,...
  9. G

    Who were Vandals?
  10. G

    Was Franz Kafka E-M81 carrier?

    Hello, Was Franz Kafka, famous Bohemian novelist and short-story writer E-M81 carrier?, on Yfull, an owner of a sample under E-Y161794 is a Kafka, most likely a far male relative of Franz Kafka.
  11. G

    23andMe Confused about Y DNA results from 23 and me

    E-U175 is 8000 years old according to Yfull : your paternal family are "recents" immigrant to USA, your autosomal is fully European, your E-U175 is most likely a "European" heritage It's maybe a Neolithic heritage (from North Africa or Middle East) It's...
  12. G

    E-V13-->E-Z5016-->E-Y138701* (E-BY4610*) North African (Algerian) Subclade?

    E-V13-->E-Z5016-->E-Y138701* (E-BY4610*) North African Subclade? Hello Everyone, I am a carrier of a rare E-V13 subclade E-V13-->...............>E-Z5016-->E-Y138701* (E-BY4610*) TMRCA : 3100 years All my matches on Yfull are Portuguese Guys from Azore isles, they are all under E-BY4611 TMRCA...