Search results

  1. Shas

    Police Brutality in South Korea

    As I said i wanted to show this and I didn't know what it was about. What I was saying is that the violence seems too much even if this evil workers union protests for higher wages all the time... I'll edit the link if it offends you.
  2. Shas

    Police Brutality in South Korea

    EDIT: i deleted the link because it was offending other forum users. I am sorry. i dont know what these people are demonstration for. i dont care. i dont think its ok for any authority to overreact this massivly. mods if you find a better forum for this please move it :>
  3. Shas

    bush doesn't know what he's doing

    I think he's a Popstar. Hes what the majority of the Americans seems to want. So what's there to discuss about? I mean if he's the president then he's the president. That's the point of democracy. 51 % wanted him here you go. The only problem is that nobody except the Bible Belt and the Mr...
  4. Shas

    The complexities of bullying

    Well i guess with bullying its like with dogs: Have you noticed that little dogs bark so much? All the time? Yeah? Well thats also why people bully because they feel inferior so they gotta bark a lot to feel big and bad and stuff... I think thats part of Sigmund Freuds crazy thinking...well i...
  5. Shas

    Do/Did you play musical instruments?

    played the piano for 5 years - wadn't really enthusiastic about it but pretty good (got BIG hands so i did pretty well :)) ) i had private lessons and they were really effective though - besides the fact that i never practiced :P im gonna learn how to play an electric guitar next year...
  6. Shas

    Question Are you gifted ?

    Has strong moral convictions. Is highly sensitive, perceptive or insightful. Fascinated by words or an avid reader. Feels out-of-sync with others. Is very curious. Has an unusual sense of humour. A good problem solver. Has a vivid and rich imagination. Feels overwhelmed by many interests and...
  7. Shas

    Origin of human was an African

    @ the private christian school were im staying (yeah right take the foreign exchange guy who doesnt believe in god and put him in the church of christ private school - maybe there is a god ... its too ironic to be an accident :D ) of course the believe the bible is accurate, so they present the...
  8. Shas

    beer brands

    if you include "sake" in a BEER BRAND poll because many JAPANESE ENJOY IT, then you can include becks too, since its is a BEER and many GERMANS ENJOY IT. well what the i heck i dont care anyways :)
  9. Shas

    World Language Extinction by 2060?

    thats definitely true - the german language is allready full with american and english terms and its getting a lot less german. i dont like this development
  10. Shas

    Origin of human was an African

    thats also why racists say "that black people are inferior, because white men have evolved from them and thus are better" ... i don't think it makes sense though. if you live in afrika your in a biological advantage if you have dark skin and stuff. so i don't get their point but racists...
  11. Shas

    What do you know about Poland?

    well the tomato is what makes it red and hearty in my opinion. it's a great meal though when its cold outside! one more thing i like but can't spell: barscz (cz sz complicated spelling! barschtsch :)
  12. Shas

    America's Best/Worst Contribution to Humanity?

    Worst: McDonald's (of it wouldn't cost employees workspaces i would try to run mcdonals out of my area with massive sit-ins so they go bankrupt :) Best: The whole family of music that resulted in black slaves work songs (holler->blues->jazz->swing->rock->metal->?) zauriel: "Best...
  13. Shas

    beer brands

    ! Beck's ! (thats german but also sold as light-beer in the USA (light beer is pathetic))
  14. Shas

    What do you know about Poland?

    i dont exactly know how to spell it but bigosz is a great dish! for all the people who dont know it: its kind of like a stew: sauerkraut with tomato (so its red and very tomato-y (no ketchup though (YUCK!)) with plums, raisins and a lot of meat. it is cooked very long so it has a very...
  15. Shas

    Gun Debate Tells Us Who Liberals Really Are

    well ima be gone in 4 weeks (back in harmless germany) and then you can legislate what you want i dont understand that bill. does it mean if somebody fires at you you can shoot back (kill him?) for self defense? what if a police officer shoots at you? can you fight back? hm
  16. Shas

    Question Why do people die?

    well we are alive that also implies that we have to die sometime and as far as i have figured out if the climate would be different / the atmosphere, humans and animals could be up to a thousand years old (if pressure and stuff were different)
  17. Shas

    Debate Do you accept easily criticism about your country's system or government ?

    im german. hit me in the face with it. -_- no seriously, i believe criticism is a good think as long as its productive and justified.
  18. Shas

    If you want to learn another, NEW language, which & why?

    im half polish and i cant speak polish and that's a shame! somebody told me that a russian would be able to understand polish because the languages are so close to each other? i dont know if i wanna learn polish (same alphabet (no cyryllic stuff), my 'native' language) or russian (many people...
  19. Shas

    Question Can you laugh at stupidity/ignorance ?

    it's so unnecessary because most of the stars don't have to be tested to find out that their rich idiots (im talking about western stars since i don't know japanese ones :D hmmm laughing about stupidity is funny but at some point it get's sad.
  20. Shas

    Debate Q7: In any profession, which would you rather have; money or fame?

    with money you can buy fame (paris hilton. even though i'd die if i had her image but all shes famous for is beeing filthy(-rich) ) but with fame you can make money. on the other hand if your famous you allways have people annoying you and if you have money you can live a normal life (that is...