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  1. A

    Hyllus and Illyrius, the connection between Dorians and Illyrians?

    Necessary double post for some additions ( I can't edit yet unfortunately) On 1): Hyllus was ancestor of the Spartan kings, that's why they considered themselves Achaean like him. His grand grandsons, the twins Eurysthenes and Prokles, are considered the reason Sparta had two kings (Diarchy)...
  2. A

    Hyllus and Illyrius, the connection between Dorians and Illyrians?

    1) Hyllus as son of Herakles was an Achaean Greek. Thus the Spartan kings considered themselves Achaeans, not Dorians. (Herodotus 5. 72) 2) Because of point 1 and your claim that Hyllus was indeed king of Illyrians we conclude that the first king of Illyria was Greek and thus if you insist on an...