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  1. Zentron

    Religion Is Christmas a Christian festival?

    Traditionally it is not, its only been a Christian celebration for a short while.
  2. Zentron

    Fuel depot goes boom!!

    I wasn't, but then, I'm too far away to have heard it. Anyhoo, it's out now, time for an investigation methinks!!
  3. Zentron

    Fuel depot goes boom!!

    Yep, that's the scale of things! Good shots from space I must say!
  4. Zentron

    Religion Islam: Conceptions and misconceptions

    I don't know much about Islam, the Quran or Mohammed, but what I do know is that the Quran means to 'surrender to God', of course I know it does mean a lot of other things, but this version is what I keep on hearing(from Muslims, not some white ignoramus who gets his info of a cereal box)...
  5. Zentron

    Fuel depot goes boom!!

    A fuel depot in Southern England has exploded, heard for miles around, buildings close by have windows shattered, but.. no-one is dead. Read the news here:
  6. Zentron

    Religion Islam: Conceptions and misconceptions

    That's kinda how it was with the Bible when it was written in Latin, nobody knew, apart from the Bishops/Priests/Vicars/whatever, how to read, write, speak Latin, so common folk didn't know what the Bible really said. Then after a few hundred people were killed, it was finally managed to get...
  7. Zentron

    Religion Christianity: Conceptions and misconceptions

    Yeh but, for ever passage that puts forth love, there's usually 2(or more) passages that put forth hate and stuff. "The 'New Testament' was originally written in Greek and the word that was used here was 'Miseo', Christian apologists claim that "hate" in this passage really means "to put into...
  8. Zentron

    Religion What does religion bring that nothing else can bring ?

    Ah yeh, my bad. I found it after I clicked your link, it's this one by Keith Morgan, he gives a better explination than I can. Unfortunately the nature of Wicce means that there is very very little written down, it's kind of a word-of-mouth thing, there is no dogma, no written rules, even the...
  9. Zentron

    Religion What does religion bring that nothing else can bring ?

    Erm, wrong book mate, guess there's more than one.
  10. Zentron

    Religion Christianity: Conceptions and misconceptions

    A couple of things I remember reading: "If any man come to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple." "O woman, what have I to do with thee?" Said Jesus to his mother "If a man does not...
  11. Zentron

    Religion What does religion bring that nothing else can bring ?

    The term 'Witch' is the Christianised term for the original 'Wicce', Wiccen's can be either male or female, there is no recognition of any other term. Look up 'The Truth about Witchcraft' published by Mandrake Press.
  12. Zentron

    Religion What does religion bring that nothing else can bring ?

    Errr no, Wicce is the correct term for Witchcraft, the name Witchcraft was made up by the Christians of the time to make it sound evil, there is no such thing as Male or Female Witchcraft, the Wicca religion we know of is just abut half a century old, Wicce is around 25,000 years old(though not...
  13. Zentron

    Religion What does religion bring that nothing else can bring ?

    Actually, no Christianity, no Catholism, no Islam, no War(well, at least no way near as many, there are still others to get their act together). Uh-huh, 14,000,000 murdered, any other religion persecuted, yep, they definately leave other religions alone! Small example: group of men are pulled...
  14. Zentron

    Religion What does religion bring that nothing else can bring ?

    I'm an ex-Christian(I say again EX), and I found there is much in most religions that is just a load of bull, which are made-up to keep you from thinking for yourself and in line. A fake religion is one that gives you an ultimatum, and orders you to join them(I won't point fingers at any, but...
  15. Zentron

    You Killed A Child, Now What ?

    Do what that guy did and eat the kid!!!