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  1. G

    G2a origins: what to believe?

    Thanks a lot for all your information. One thing is not yet clear however. Is this not possible then: G2a entered Europe in paleolithic, but indeed the subclade G2a3b is more recent but originated in Europe itself! Or is the problem with that explanation that it won't explain why the huge...
  2. G

    G2a origins: what to believe?

    Thanks. Which Germanic tribes migrated from South to North? Most I know of migrated from North to South (Franks, Goths, Vandals, Lombards, Burgundians,...). So my direct male forebears come from a tribe which went North? Is there an example of such a tribe?
  3. G

    G2a origins: what to believe?

    I did a test at FTDNA and my Y-DNA haplogroup turns out to be G2a. Of course I search now the web to learn when the G2a people first entered Europe. And to my surprise the answers very: 1) Neolithic immigrants 2) no, it first entered with the bronze age 3) no, it are Alans in the early middle...