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  1. D

    23andMe 23andme HELP- WHAT is "Nonspecific Northern European"?

    On my 23andme ancestry composition, it has me as being over 51% "nonspecific Northern European".. WHAT is the deal with this? What populations could "nonspecific northern european" consist of?
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    Maternal Haplogroup H7 ?

    Bump? Anyone?
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    Maternal Haplogroup H7 ?

    My MTDNA is H7. I haven't been able to find much on it, it's highest frequencies, etc, on 23andme it says that it is most common amongst Scandinavians and Basques, but every where else that I have looked it does not specify- at all, it typically only says that it is rare and or that more...
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    Haplogroup H7 ?

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone had info on the mtDNA haplogroup that I belong to, H7.. I have tried to find info about it in the past, but I could never find anything with detailed info on it or where it is believed to have come from, when, where it is most commonly found, etc. The information...