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  1. MarkyMark

    Immigration Study shows that 31,5% of newborns in France in 2010 have non-european parents...

    Don't be ignorant. Beauty has nothing to do with how mixed a person is. I know non mixed people who are beautiful and mixed people who are beautiful. Also, I don't see how we are supposed to co-exist with these people when the Quran preaches that Muslims shall take over the world, or the fact...
  2. MarkyMark

    Immigration Study shows that 31,5% of newborns in France in 2010 have non-european parents...

    It also doesn't help that almost half of the business's in Paris are owned by Arabs.
  3. MarkyMark

    Can you find your ethnicity with your toe?

    Egyptian. My cousin has the Greek foot and he's full Syrian christian.