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    Traditional music Hungarian Dance and traditional music

    Try to learn the dances instead.
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    Traditional music Hungarian Dance and traditional music
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    Early depiction of Jesus

    What went wrong with the Shroud‘s radiocarbon date?
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    Early depiction of Jesus

    The new astonishing phenomenon detected on the Shroud BTW. We know that Leonardo da Vinci was a genius.
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    Early depiction of Jesus

    Now, a new study using modern forensic techniques suggests the bloodstains on the shroud are completely unrealistic, supporting arguments that it is a fake. “Neither of the investigators have the scientific...
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    Early depiction of Jesus

    The National Police in Italy have reportedly created a digital image of what they believe Jesus Christ looked like as a young child. Real Face of Jesus from the Shroud of Turin...
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    Politics Here we go again: Right wing nationalism on the rise again in Europe

    Hungary under Viktor Orban Some comments: So, lets make it clear: the UK is the bastion of libetalism by literally imprisoning everyone who mentions the staged trial of Tommy Robbinson, that happened several days ago, and Hungary is opressing...
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    Politics Here we go again:The populism and dystopia of Italy's new government

    ROME — After 88 days of impasses and negotiations, two Italian populist parties with a history of antagonism toward the European Union received approval Thursday night to create a government that has already unsettled the Continent’s political order...
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    Politics Here we go again:The populism and dystopia of Italy's new government He said Conte's candidate, Paolo Savona, was unacceptable because the appointment would alarm investors and have dangerous consequences for Italy's outstanding government debt. Viva la Democrazia...
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    Politics Here we go again:The populism and dystopia of Italy's new government "The main problem with the EU is that it incorporates loads of countries, and they are so vastly different in every way: welfare, economics, everything. To correct this the EU will have to make the...
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    Politics Here we go again:The populism and dystopia of Italy's new government Italian Renaissance History. The Beginning of a New Age.
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    Politics Here we go again:The populism and dystopia of Italy's new government More importantly, the two parties have a clear anti-immigrant plan. They propose to create new detention centres across Italy where undocumented migrants are to be kept before deportation. They...
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    Politics Here we go again: Right wing nationalism on the rise again in Europe

    The situation of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences during the Socialist Party's (MSZP) government: Gyurcsány Ferenc was Prime Minister of Hungary from 2004 to 2009. Socialist democracy: Gyurcsány admits lying to...
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    Politics Here we go again: Right wing nationalism on the rise again in Europe

    Melanie Phillips: How the media manipulates truth
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    Politics Here we go again: Right wing nationalism on the rise again in Europe

    Oh,yeah? Kata Karáth is a genuine left-wing liberal activist. Both "Central European University" and "Közép-európai Egyetem" are owned by Soros. The HAC...
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    Politics Here we go again: Right wing nationalism on the rise again in Europe

    Angela:"In today's world, the only part of Europe where it is totally open, widespread, and virulent is Eastern Europe. Sorry if that bothers you, but facts are facts." Wich facts are you referring to? The real virulent part of Europe is actually Western Europe.Look at...
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    Politics Here we go again: Right wing nationalism on the rise again in Europe

    Angela 1.: "Now stop trying to provoke me by posting about the Italian Racial Laws..." Angela 2.:"Well, in their case, their last really "autochthonous" government was a fascist one, so there you go." -Now stop trying to provoke others by humiliate the Hungarian people! Or are there only...
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    Politics Here we go again: Right wing nationalism on the rise again in Europe Viktor Orban: “We’re Building a Christian Democracy”!!!
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    Politics Here we go again: Right wing nationalism on the rise again in Europe

    I kindly ask you to show me the anti-semitic in my posts. However, the article you linked is pure propaganda of the Hungarian liberal bolshevik opposition specially written and traslated into different languges for Western newspapers. About Mr.Vona cited in the highly credible and objective...
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    Politics Here we go again: Right wing nationalism on the rise again in Europe

    J'adore your leftist agenda! "Anti-Semitism did not begin with Adolf Hitler: Anti-Semitic attitudes date back to ancient times." Is this Eastern Europe? "Some Jews became prominent in banking and moneylending, because early Christianity didn’t permit moneylending for interest. This resulted...