Search results

  1. sljoza

    Could have Goths been of Scandinavian R1a

    My DNA result gave result as R1a subclass Z284>L448 and ever since I've tried to figure out the ways of my ancestors. My family originates from Serbo-Bulgarian parts of the Balkan (certain for past 200 years) and it confuses me how could the Scandinavian R1a be settle in the Balkans. It might...
  2. sljoza

    Y-DNA and mtDNA diversity

    I am wondering how come there is such a big diversity between distribution of Y-DNA and mtDNA haplogroups. For example - some parts of the Europe have 25% R1a, 30% I2a, 10% E... (you get it). And I stumble upon map where almost every European country has over 40% of mtDNA H-haplogroup. It came...