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  1. Y

    Shift from G2 to I2 dominance and WHG resurgence between the Early_N and the Late_N

    Has there been any published or ongoing effort to understand where the WHG resurgence and boom of I2 to the detriment of Anatolia_N lineages like G2, T and H2 originated and spread from, and how profound its overall genetic (autosomal) and sociocultural impact must've been between the Middle...
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    A "southward" shift of English genetics between the LBA and the Modern Era???

    A "southward" shift of English genetics between the LBA and the Modern Era??? I have been running some tests and analysis using the G25 samples, and I have noticed a very intriguing thing as I plotted English averaged population samples on a North European PCA. See for yourselves in this image...
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    Ancient Italian DNA: an attempt to distinguish Italics from Tyrrhenians

    Hi, people! I have been very busy in the last few months and unfortunately had to reduce my posts here to a minimum. Now I'm coming back to discuss with you something that I found pretty intriguing and maybe meaningful as I got access to the recently released and made available Italian aDNA...
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    Doubts about the "Tanzania_Zanzibar_First Millennium" aDNA sample

    I decided to post this doubt of mine here so that someone might perhaps help clarify what's happening with the average population DNA sample named TZA_Zanzibar_FirstMillennium in Global25 datasheets. I have googled to try to find the paper that that sample comes from, but couldn't find it. The...
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    Movements and genetic change between the Chalcolithic and Bronze Age in the Levant

    Hi! I have previously read about the surprising Chalcolithic Israel individuals with a lot of ANF and presence of genes for blue eyes in relation to the later Bronze Age samples from the same region. I have also often been very curious about how Proto-Semitic and its immediate descendants spread...
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    Reduction of Yamnaya-like ancestry in North Europe since CWC

    Reading papers and seeing models of DNA ancestry that some people have made in blogs and stuff, I have noticed this clear trend of steeply decreasing ancestry in most North European populations where CWC once existed compared to the ~75% Yamnaya-like that the CWC had. The highest scores often...
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    Video: reconstruction of ancient Rome in 320 A.D.

    If ancient Rome was even half as beautiful and grand as this animation makes it look like, it must've been absolutely otherworldly for most people who lived in simpler societies in that time...
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    How One Woman Brought the 'Mother's Curse' to Canada

    Interesting stuff. Particularly fascinating to see an evolutionary phenomenon previously observed in fruit flies being reproduced (with big consequences) by human beings. Source:
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    Faces of victims of a slaughter after China's First Emperor's death are reconstructed

    Intriguing stuff: More information and pictures at:
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    Y-DNA distribution across Brazilian regions and an intriguingly high % of Y--DNA I

    I've just read this study (Male Lineages in Brazil: Intercontinental Admixture and Stratification of the European Background) on the distribution of male lineages of Brazilians and there is something that struck me as very intriguing and, I think, difficult to explain. They have a somewhat...