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  1. K

    V13 was the paternal line with the highest proportion in the Late Avar age.

    We summarized the analyzed paternal lines on the basis of the Hunnic, Avaric, Conquering Hungarian article by Tibor Török and his team, and to our great surprise V13 was the paternal line with the highest proportion in the Middle/Late Avar period. From the 65 middle/late avar sample 17 was V13...
  2. K

    E from the Alpes-Balkan region (68.000 y.a)
  3. K

    kurdish and kazan tatar EV-13

    Can someone tell me, what kind of EV 13 subgroups are present in the separate kurdish and kazan tatar populations?
  4. K

    CTS9320 families from Scandinavia.

    How is it possible? The last common ancestor of the CTS9320 families lived 2900 years ago at the Dawn of the Iron Age. He was a contemporary of Homer. I don't know where he lived, but his descendants lived today in the Balkans, Central and East Europe, Germany and the British Isles. And they...